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Hear ye! Hear ye! We doth haveth a new episode featuring thine magical lady Janet Varney! AND featuring new bespoke music from the master bard Arne Parrott! Go forth and give thine ear a treat!


Kalli Miller-Potter

I’m begging for another long form with Janet 🙏🏼


Long form with Janetmorph?! Is it my birthday?!


Can someone please explain American PC culture for me? Why is it fine for Janet to do Scottish but JPC can't do Eddie Murphy?

amii chong

Amazing theme song!!


Because doing an impression of black people has mostly been used for racist mockery. Obviously not what JPC would do but doing an impression at all now has a racist connotation to a lot of people even if thats not the intent. Even though yea by that logic doing a Scottish accent would also be racist, but we dont have any horrible history with Scottish people so its not viewed as bad


God I love Janet with the clue crew so much, you all play off each other so much it's a joy to listen to


ADAL!! Pls pls pls record ya My Two Cents song I’ll buy it twice!!


This episode is like 12x more funny because I went to Galena hundreds of times when I was a kid. I grew up an hour away 😂

Lizzy French

Going to the Bristol Renaissance Fair tomorrow and saw Arne Parrot on the schedule! 😳 I hope its the same Arne! I can't wait

Katie Haught

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Dana Fah

im very sick rn and threw up with this in the background. 10/10

Riddy Kitties Probate Lawyer

I’ve listened to this about 50x. You guys are gold :) Janet makes this episode :)