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This week we have some very exciting listener submitted riddles from Anthony Burch of Dungeons and Daddies! We also have two ostriches getting onto Noah’s arc, a very angry moon, and Superman coming to terms with his brand. If YOU want to submit some riddles to us you can send them to hrrpodcast@gmail.com! Have a great week!


Adal Rifai

John Patrick Coan

Erin Keif

Editing by:

Casey Toney

Theme by:

Arne Parrott

Logo by:

Emily Kardamis & Emmaline Morris

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JPC did say late 18th Century 😬


I'd def recommend the Kingsman movies but there's one horrid scene in the third one


I'd def recommend the Kingsman movies but there's one horrid scene in the third one


I remember loving “We’re Back”!! Please do a review crew!


Fantastic episode, but I am going to have to subtract points for Adal saying "Can I pop a squat?" at the top of the scene, and then NOT introducing himself as "Papa Squat."


Are you tellin' me you're doing word associations without Eminem?! I can't contend! Contender. Contender, boxing. Boxing at amazon? Free shipping! You're slipping! Slipping on ice? Stabbed him with an icicle. That's in the theme. I'm running out of steam. How do I end this? Better be an M. Night twist. Look over there, see the scary wind and leaves? Focus on that while I get out this poison with pee.


I know it was likely just a joke, but I would honestly love a Review Crew around "We're Back"! That movie feels like a fever dream from my childhood and I need to know what other people think.


I've never watched them, but I planned on it. They definitely made me reconsider, but I guess I can still watch the first one (since you'd recommend it) and see how I feel about it


I had vague memories of the movie, but I could never remember what it was called. I think it would be great for a review crew episode 😁


Fantastic. I read this in Adal's Eminem voice too 😂