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Today we have some listener submitted Irish Riddles-just in time to be late for St. Patrick’s Day! What’s more Irish than Adal telling us about a game he invented while we was high. This episode also has a spooky garden, a terrible doctor, and a fun new character for JPC. Don’t tell us how bad our Irish accents are-we already know baby


Adal Rifai

John Patrick Coan

Erin Keif

Editing by:

Casey Toney

Theme by:

Arne Parrott

Logo by:

Emily Kardamis & Emmaline Morris

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Hey Riddle Riddle

6351 W Montrose Ave #267

Chicago, IL, 60634

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Adam Kronfeld

Adal juuuust snuck in "Dublin down" under the closing theme


Haha the first Irish themed HRR and I'm in America for it! (As opposed to Ireland, where I'm from, if that wasn't clear)


Why does the Patreon ep come after the spotify one 🥲 shouldn’t it be the other way?


JPC's priest turned into Will Ferrell's Harey Caray


Don’t get your hopes up for a reply. The many others who asked the same before have been ignored.


Irish riddles in the fog on a boat a long time ago playlist when?