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QUIET ON SET! It's our 5th visit to the magical land of Public Access TV! Enjoy the sweet sweet madness of Adal, Erin and JPC (3 monkeys in a coma)



JPC’s Deli Crimes segment was so good. the subversion of expectations with the fact that the kid just pooped, not died. the slow descent into madness as more and more details are revealed. fave. (start at 35:55)


if you’re a left wing government in central america you’re about to get fucked ~~~


Loved this one! Time to listen again!!!

Michael Kurowski

Jfc people I’m in public. “I don’t want another Sentra” is T Shirt material


Holy fucking fuck this is absolute g o l d


Deli Crimes has been fully transposed. Step 1: Complete. Stay tuned.


Carol Vital is like a chaotic evil grandma puzzles and I love her


Carol Vital has to be my favorite scene you guys have ever done. “Don’t leave me in here” absolutely killed me. Also the repeated “I volunteer” with the silence in between. GOLD

Matthew McDowell

From Montgomery county Maryland: Planting a rainbow Sea bones Me...Jane School cool Exclamation mark

William Casey

every time I listen to this I feel such intense need for hours more of the Carol Vital show. What a home run of a scene.