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The conclusion. It is time. to. wake. up.



i NEED a whole episode where you just read old tweets like you did in this one, i have been crying at work laughing

West Everts

didnt know arnie worked with unknown mortal orchestra. what an amazing episode!!


Between the 3 of you and your story writing abilities, when are you going to start selling prewritten D&D campaigns? This slaps. You all slaps.


Ahhhhhh that was some good shit! Thanks JPC!


When JP Riddles walked out I was so sure this was establishing some kind of extended Riddle Multiverse lol

David Currie

I need a podcast purely of JPC games, the Twitter sections absolutely killed me. 10/10 best patreon I sub too. Remember this episodes are pure gold too


This was great!!

Ashley Taylor

The voice changers were on point, really loved this series! 👏


Great episodes all around! But, I want to give a shout out to Arne in this one! This morning, the wake up song played, and I got chills and my eyes started to water and I have no idea why. That song touched me and I thought a musician would like to know that they had such an effect on someone.


What an ending. My goodness.