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Gym! Tan! Laundry! OTHER STUFF! Welcome to New Jersey! What are your New Jersey recs? What state should we do next?



No mention of the bridge emblazoned with giant letters reading "Trenton makes. The world takes."?? It's the weirdest passive aggressive slogan for a state capital.

Ryan Haining

My NJ girlfriend's one recommendation from her whole state is: Bischoff's Ice Cream in Teaneck, NJ

Mark Napuli

Yasss! The Armpit of America. Born in Newark and lived in Livingston ( Northern NJ, Sopranos area). I say besides the malls you got to check out a magazine called weird NJ. I’m 39 so this was very big during my high school years( 97-2000). So many abandon insane asylums that I went to visit because of all the lore in Weird NJ.


If you're in Seattle and want a good classic dinner experience, go to the Ravenna neighborhood to the Bryant Corner Cafe

Laura Brun

Kentucky next??


I have such a love/hate relationship with Jersey. It’s so diverse, you can’t even compare the shore to the northwest corner of the state. You can find some beautiful farms and a ton of history the further north you go. One of the best places to eat is Hiram’s Hot Dogs in Fort Lee - it was featured on Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. Incredible deep fried hot dogs! A great diner to try if you’re ever traveling through the northeast is the Blue Colony Diner off exit 10 on I-84 in Newtown, CT. A Greek diner with friendly staff, super cute coffee mugs, giant (and tasty) pancakes, and a huge menu! Open 24 hours a day, only closed on Christmas, with a super retro vibe - it’s an area staple!

Madison Darcey

Please please PLEASE do hawaii. 🌺


Wisconsin time for next midwest episode maybe??? Grew up there and recently moved to California and am missing that cheesey farmland state a great deal


As someone who pumped gas in Oregon for 2 years, it was always a treat to get folks from out of state look so bewildered when I would walk up and greet them. They would also usually ask "are we supposed to tip you?" And I would say, "I mean if you want to, by the way would you like your windshield washed?"


Extra buck or two every time.