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Well howdy pardners! Ya'll have been some mighty fine Patrons and unlocked this here 2 part Western series! We sure hope you enjoy part 1 and we'll rustle up part 2 next Friday for ya! Grab your Stetson, smack a pigs ass and enjoy HYAAH! Saddle Saddle!


Line Lundager

quick question is Adal a fan of sparks nevada marshall on mars?


We better see those sand dolphins more than once

Darren Le

Arne's OST album when?


this is everything i wanted and more 🤠


You were expecting a self-care cowboy origin, but nay...or should I say, neigh!! It was a talking horse origin story all along!


A rootin' tootin' good time! Either that or it's a kind of Jason Mrage.


I was hoping to hear an episode of Hay, Rider Rider... alas!


this is one of my favorite episodes of all time and i hope to see many morr in this series, but im sorry the pun preacher guy is just nic cage

Finn Sparger

By far the sexiest rendition of the theme Arnie has made

Nehemiah S

he did some for other podcasts, the Billbuds patreon reviewed one of them (with Arne guesting on the episode) and JPC roasted him

Robert Welz

A Aron, ahhhem Erin, "I eat pussie on my day off." Can we just make the T-shirts?🤷‍♀️