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Salutations ya'll! Scooch on in here and grab a seat wherever you like! I'll be back with a menu and some waters but until then please enjoy our complimentary homemade audio! Hope you're having a Golden Spoon day!



This was episode was phenomenal. I was at the gym listening and I broke out in laughter several times


loved the episode! the fire alarm at 10:02 was a little loud in my opinion but maybe that was just because I had headphones on


Loooooooved this episode!! So good!!

Gabriel Hyatt

One of the best episodes you guys have done, the mail lady might be my new favorite Erin character haha love y'all!!

Hey Riddle Riddle

you are so right! Casey wanted me to let you know that sometimes he gets so obsessively granular on making the world immersive & authentic, that he forgets that people don't want to hear a REAL fire alarm. We just published a new version with that alarm WAY lower! Thanks for letting us know!

Nadine Garcia

These styles are getting to be my favorite


This was possibly my favorite episode yet


I enjoyed all these characters tremendously


i enjoy these longform improv sketches. there were so many funny moments in here!


I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU GUYS! Keep up the amazing work, seriously the best podcast!(:

Joel Baguley

Absolutely one of my favourite episodes!


Adal's southern drawl is delightful.


I'm on my period and this made me cry 💔