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From Adal:

Hey Future Lizards! I just got back from swinging by JPC’s gorgeous house and dropping off 3 tank tops for him! Gotta keep him in supply. I’m very excited to have him as a neighbor. August was a wild ride full to the brim of life juice (what the kids are saying). Going to Denmark with Erin, JPC and Jemma was an absolute joy. We packed so much into such a short amount of time with highlights of the trip including going back to Tivoli Gardens 3 times. The most incredible hotel breakfast buffet at The Admiral in Copenhagen. A boat tour of Nyhavn. Getting lost in the Danish countryside for an hour with Jemma and finding our way to a moated castle. Day trip to Malmo, Sweden. Playing ‘character vibes’ Guess Who (we’ll have to talk about this on the podcast. New way to play Guess Who we invented), and OF COURSE the most magical moment was seeing AQUA live. If you’re ever going to Denmark hit me up for recommendations please! OH! I also filmed Erin (with a cameo by JPC) walking down a quaint street from the 1600’s and trying to sing Beauty and the Beast songs. I’ll try and post that video to the Patreon at some point.

Friday I head to France for about a week and I’m excited to just sit in the countryside and yell at horses! If you happen to live in Serres-et-Monguyard….keep your eye out for some plaid!

Early August, JPC, Casey and myself went to go watch Arne perform at the Bristol Ren Faire! If you ever get a chance to see Arne perform live, it’s an unbelievable delight.

Speaking of Arne; Last week Jemma, Arne and I went to watch AEW Rampage as guests of Nyla Rose and Aubrey Edwards. I haven’t watched wrestling since 2000 (shout-out Mankind!) so I was worried I’d be uninterested but it was a blast! Big AEW fan now and especially of the woman who plays an alien and her signature move is the nose boop and also the tag-team of Jungle Boy & LuchaSaurus. Since we were in the guest area I also sat right next to and befriended one of my favorite actors of the last couple years! Pretty special night.

Here’s what I’ve been consuming in the last month:


  • The Comeback - my friend Alice Stanley told me this is the best sitcom of all time. I never really heard of it but gave it a shot and I’ll be goddamned, it’s one of the best sitcoms of all time. This show elevates Lisa Kudrow into the top 2 sitcom actors of all time (with Julia Louis-Dreyfus). Give this a watch if you’re looking for something to binge! It’s only 2 seasons and the 2nd season was made 10 years after the first. It’s all on HBO Max.
  • Six Feet Under
  • Marvel: What If….?
  • The White Lotus
  • The Other Two Season 2
  • Brooklyn 99
  • Impeachment: American Crime Story
  • Explained
  • PEN15 Animated Special
  • What We Do In The Shadows Season 3
  • Love At First Sight Reunion
  • Hard Knocks


  • Cruella
  • Shang-Chi
  • Suicide Squad
  • Malice At The Palace

Other Stuffs:

  • Rude Tales of Magic
  • Bridgewater Podcast
  • Little Nightmares on Switch - Casey got me this for my birthday and I’ve been loving how creepy and atmospheric it is!
  • Jemma and I found the most incredible Swedish Fish in Sweden! We’re obsessed! They’re a bit expensive to buy online but if you want to check them out they are called Kolsvart Sur Roding (Sour Raspberry) Konfektyr Fiskar.

I guested on the following podcasts!

  • My Cabbages (talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender)
  • Have You Heard About This? Podcast (Improvising a Morning Show guest who’s way too into Family Guy)

Let me know in the comments about anything I should check out this month!




From Erin


I hope everyone is doing great! I’m happy to be back from Europe and I’m really enjoying working on lots of new projects for you all!

I don’t have much to recommend but this is what I’ve been enjoying lately-

The show Home Work on Discovery+. I’m obsessed with this show. It’s a couple in Utah that is obsessed with Victorian antiques and they are turning an old schoolhouse into their new home. The show has the best energy ever and I can’t recommend it enough.

My Year in Mensa Podacst. I really enjoyed the vibe of this.

Murad skincare. I have so many allergies and I get rashes all the time. I rarely find anything that works well for me so if you have sensitive skin you should check it out!

I hope you have a great month!!!


From JPC:

Hey Riddiots!

What's up, grandpas? It's your ol' pal JPC here with another one of my classic "monthly updates" that we all know and love. August was very busy with a couple of very cool highlights. I'm sure we'll talk about it more on an episode (or maybe we won't and THIS is the big exclusive) but the HRR squad went to Denmark for a week to teach some workshops and do a show at the Hans Christian Andersen festival. The show was not recorded, so I'm confident that it was our best yet. If you were one of the 6 fans from Denmark at the show, then you get to hold that special memory over everyone else forever. We would have loved to record it, but the festival wasn't set up for podcast recording. By the way, Denmark is awesome. Lots of people riding bikes, way less cars, really cool old buildings, lots of statues. We also happened to be there during International Pride, which Copenhagen was hosting this year. All in all, a fun country to visit. Would recommend. Except it's super expensive and they don't do iced coffee. I bought an iced americano from a Starbucks while I was there and it was $7. I only did that once, obviously. Oh, and this was my first time teaching improv to a group of people who spoke English as a second or third (in one case fourth!) language. I only speak the one language and I do it very poorly, so it was really awesome to see people grasping improv concepts and then applying them to their native tongue. We also got to watch a Danish improv/standup show which was a blast. I would say I understood about 35% of the improv and 0% of the standup. It was great!

What else, what else. Oh, Mariah and I bought a house (still in Chicago, sorry Erin)! We are very excited and currently, fairly stressed out with the move coming in the next few days. But by this time next month, we will be settled and everything will be okay again. I'm not sure if it's obvious from the show, but my brain is really geared towards tasks, so I'm in full task overload mode right now. Mariah is, of course, the most patient, loving, beautiful person in the world. I am an unrelenting font of action, motion, stress, energy, focus, determination and grit. So: not fun to be around me right now!

Uh, what the fuck am I watching right now? I don't think much. What We Do In The Shadows just came back but I haven't started watching it yet. If you haven't seen the first 2 seasons are so fucking good. I'm really hopeful for season 3. We are also watching Ted Lasso season 2 which is fine but not as good as season 1. Oh, and I finished Elantris (thank you 9 hour plane ride) and just started the first book of Mistborn. I'm going for that Sanderson completionist badge but he writes them faster than I can read them.

If you are reading this as soon as it comes out, I'm in the middle of my Twitch break. I should be back up-and-running with the stream on 9/13 (fingers crossed) and if that's not the case I'll announce it in the SharkTank discord. I have no idea what I'll be playing yet but I did get Sekiro on sale and since I just played Hollow Knight, I think it might be a good time to let that game destroy me. Never played a Soul's game before so I might as well start somewhere. Oh, and I played a little of Griftlands on the stream and I really liked it! That'll probably be my new off-stream game, but I recommend checking it out if you like deck-builders.

Oh, and thank you to everyone who engaged in the Chatterbox Poll! Especially the people who voiced their opinion in a nice and kind way. We really and truly do appreciate the feedback!

Much Love,


Other News!:

  • For this months Review Crew we’ll be watching and chatting about PSYCH S1 E1 which you can watch on Prime! That episode should be up sometime early next week!
  • We have 3 new stretch goals (check them out on the goals section of the page) and tell a friend about the Patreon cause we really want to record these episodes!
  • We’re hoping to get some new merch in time for the holidays! Please comment here if there’s any characters, moments, phrases from the main feed or Patreon you’d like to see on merch!
  • The ask-us-anything channel in the Discord is now the chatterbox-topics channel. We are going to try throwing some more Chatterbox episodes into the mix but based on your feedback, we wanted to give you all a way to engage with those eps. So please use that channel to ask us questions or pitch topics to chat about. Since the format is pretty free form, just let us know what you'd like to see!
  • Trying something new with the $8 "live" streams. Pre-pandemic, we really liked being in the same room together and then doing a talk-back live with the chat. We really miss that live component of those streams, so for the next 3 months we are going to tweak the format. Instead of having all 3 of us on the stream, each one of us is going to take turns hosting an actual live stream with it's own concept. We will post the youtube link ahead of time and then it'll be available to watch on Patreon if you can't make it live. Right now the schedule is Erin in September, Adal in October, and JPC in November. We will try to gauge how people like this and then check in for future months. We are really excited about the streams we have planned!

As always let us know what YOU recommend in the comments below and if there’s anything you’d like to hear us do on a Patreon episode!

Love you all and thank you again for the support! We are perverts, bum ba dum dum dum dum dum.

Adal, Erin & JPC



Do yalll have Coco Cashmere merch bc if not

D Benza

Adal how are you liking Bridgewater so far??


I'm now curious if Adal was aware at the time that Jungle Boy is Luke Perry's son

Kathleen Sawisky

I'm very excited to provide an update to Things My Toddler Is Into: Food: Have you ever tried fake butter flavored braided pretzel sticks from Bass Pro Shop, because let me tell you these things are amazing and the best breakfast food next to "Special gummies" (vitamins) and "Flat Cheese" (American Kraft Cheese slice). Shows: We've moved on from watching fans and the dude who was showing off what all the switches in his house turned on. Now we're really into Stand Up Oscillating Fans with giant cartoon eyes and mouths superimposed over them, with the Mahyahi song playing in the background. It's only 30 seconds long so put that baby on repeat and watch your life slip by. We're also into Finding Nemo (but not Dory) and goddamned Blippi. Music: There's this little underground song called "Wheels on the Bus" that is a serious bopper. The best part is you can really insert whatever you want into the song. Like the Wheels on the Blue go round and round, and the Siren on the Firetruck goes Whee-oo whee-oo. Hours of entertainment. Activities: Have you ever spun your arms around in front of you like you're a taffy pulling machine or doing the cha-cha? Well, try doing that while screaming "FASTER. GO FAST." And when you tire of that, try waiting for a bus by a busy road and yell "SLOW DOWN" at cars that you think are going way too fast. It's all about safety. Drinks: Special milk is still the favorite, but we've expanded into Special Juice, which is a fun combo of prune juice and water. Finally, try having a massive poop in the shower while whipping a wet baby washcloth against the wall. It's apparently a riot. Anyways, let's get some Post Potatoes merch. I'd invest.


OMG like a shirt with her locket that has two Cocos blowing each other kisses!

AK ie JetBlackArsonal

I think this is the first time I'm jealous I'm not upgraded to review crew status, Fucking love Psych!

Darren Le

Have a lovely September guys


So I’ve also started getting into Six Feet Under. Love most of it...except the sister character. She gets better, right?


Merch: boss baby business bitch

Fredrik Breivald

I got to see Arne at ren-fair too! It made my weekend


I know the separate live streams might not just be for technical reasons but I wanted to make sure you knew you can livestream direct from Zoom to YouTube so could have audience participation: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360028478292-Streaming-a-Meeting-or-Webinar-on-YouTube-Live