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That's right, it's the return of our IMDb movie game that we haven't touched in 70ish episodes. Did we forget about it? Maybe! But it's here now so that's all that matters. Hey, and you're here to. And we are all reading this. What a world. We dedicate this episode to any celebrity having a birthday this week. This one is for you, celebs. 


Thomas Frank

We're not supposed to read the stage directions? Disappointed!!


"I want my tritty!"

Riddy Kitties Probate Lawyer

My birthday is feb 1st, this episode and the live stream were my favorite presents :)


All of the surgeons I work with look exhausted, are absolute dicks, and are weirdly hot Also, JPC, you could always post a billion flyers that say, "scary dog loose? Call 311 today!"


Philip K Dick was faaaaamously bad at titles, so I love and am not surprised that no one could guess what "Paycheck" was about.

Roe Jaz

Erin, it was Stumble upon. The thing that would take you to random webpages. Hours and hours lost .....

Samantha Falcon

Was so delighted by the, "Are we the baddies?" quote!