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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give you all a heads-up before the official announcement goes out tomorrow. HRR will be doing another Livestream show! If you attended our show back in October, it'll work the exact same way! If you didn't, here's all the relevant info:

- The show will be live on Friday January 22, 2021 at 8pm Chicago time

- If you buy a ticket to the show, you'll have access to watch live and watch the recording for up to 24 hours after the show ends (I think it takes a few hours for it to post but last time folks ended up with a little over the 24 hour mark)

- You can watch from anywhere in the world, just make sure you do your time zone math!

- The show will be about 80-90 minutes

- We lowered the ticket price to $12 but we also kept an option for $15. We wanted to make the show accessible to as many people as possible, but the $15 tickets are also a way to donate to the venue. Understandably, venues and theaters have been hit hard by the pandemic and they are all really struggling to stay afloat.  Lincoln Hall is an incredibly cool place and we'd love to do an in-person live show there one day, but we can't do that if they close down. If you have the extra few bucks to give, they would really appreciate it.

For those wondering about safety, the company we are working with and the venue are doing a ton to make sure there is a minimum number of staff on premise and everyone is socially distancing. Last time we did this, we were very impressed with their safety protocols.

Tickets are on sale now through this link: https://audiotree.tv/staged-show/hey-riddle-riddle-returns and we'll also have them up on Headgum.com/live soon! 

Also, as with the last live streaming show we did, we won't have access to post the recorded show for a long time. So if you miss this one








Yay!!! So exciting!!! I can’t wait!!


Hell yeah happy birthday to me

Charles Johnson

You put on a live (stream) show, I immediately buy tickets. Honestly I hope you continue to do these or something similar after COVID.


Fantastic!! I enjoyed the last one and can’t wait for this one too (:

Kae Winters

Right before my birthday, how thoughtful of you!




My favourite thing about covid is getting to watch you guys live from my lounge room in Australia