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It's still technically the weekend and this is technically an episode! Sorry about the delay this week but everything should be back-to-normal for next week. But, not like, everything everything. The world is still a mess and there is no back-to-normal. This is the new normal! 


Line Lundager

The animal noises got funnier and funnier the longer NO ONE said "bark" or "meow" I fucking loved it

Evan Cordero

No need to apologize. Having a new episode this morning just made my day


The Meditation Trilogy needs to be completed! We know you're all capable of doing it, you did a 3 person guided meditation last year(?) I laughed to the point of tears. "Imagine a shark. No. Bigger. Whoah too big... Breath out."

Adam F

George Clooney was in an episode of Golden Girls too


Stretch goal should be an episode of Erin's new talk show :D


i, for one, would love some more DnD.......


stretch goal idea: audio tour of Adal's house of statement pieces


Stretch goal of purchasing the naming rights to a highway and naming it the Coco Cashmere Memorial Highway


Erin's own personal stretch goal is to do the splits


Pleaaaaaaaaaaase do a full trilogy of meditation clips. Please also encourage fans to play them as regular meditation clips to unsuspecting people and record the reactions.


Literally almost died in the gym from laughing during this 😂 luckily 7.5lbs isn't killing me any time soon...


Love this show soo much. I was literally addicted to it for a bit. I'm back to a healthy intake now. Gotta say tho I hate the Patreon app.