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Oh no! The Clue Crew has filled their ear holes with cursed music from demon children and now it's time to pass that curse to you in our very own Kidz Bop Quiz! Can YOU find the real lyrics? Please, go watch some Kidz Bop music videos and let us know what you think.  



I was wondering where my tattoo went-


I cry laughed at this episode. GREAT JOB!

Adam F

Man, stealing my Casper mattress during my 100-day free trial (I was going to return it) is a real screwjob


I just started this episode but right from jump: I think it's the law that you sing songs to your dog. We do to the tune of Mr. Sandman "Mister Samson, ba-ba-ba-ba, sends me some farts." And one of my favorite Twitter jokes is [best Billy Idol voice] It's a nice day for a... light sweater WHOA... It's a nice day for a... CARDIGAAAAAN


“Can’t find my Lunchables” will play on loop in my brain ad infinitum


Any chance there's a copy of these questions out there, or from JPC? I need to try it with my friends, I was rolling on the floor.

Siena Elliott

Holy shit JPC your mind is a wonderland


Is JPC a Jacksfilms fan or is Jacksfilms a JPC fan?


This is such a great premise for an episode


My go-to 'song about what I'm doing' is If you like Chicken Tikka Masala to the tune of 'If you like Pina Coladas'