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Happy New Year Ridiots! 2020 is here and we can't wait to see what it has in store! We hope you all had a delightful and safe night and we trust your morning will be filled with water, rest and legal weed (Chicago baybee!). Please enjoy the pics attached of Spaghetti enjoying her new bed from Erin; and Fries & Brisket REFUSING to enjoy the elf costume uncle Japes got them. 


Adal's January Playlist and message: 

December ended with a great trip to Wizarding World/Universal (Spider-Man was the best ride out of everything...sorry!) and now I'm ramping up for a Hello From the Magic Tavern live show tour in 11 days! If you live in or near Atlanta, Charlotte, Portland, Seattle or San Francisco come out and hang! Oh also if anyone is from these places please let me know where I must go for food/drinks/fun/escape rooms? tix is here: http://hellofromthemagictavern.com/live-episodes/

For recommendations this month: 

1. for tv - Jemma and I are still plowing through Brooklyn 99! On season 5 now and honestly I love it more than Office or P&R because it's so unabashedly goofy. Right in my wheels house. Just started Killing Eve season 2 and that's dark and weird and enjoyable. The Crown season 3 was wonderful, especially the score. Watched The Witcher...meh? If you like attractive people eeking out a living?

2. for film - Uncut Gems is just insane. I highly recommend it but not if you have severe anxiety! It's the most white knuckle ride of a movie I've ever seen. Oh also if you like martial arts flicks, I just saw IP Man 4 in theaters last night and it's a fantastic end to one of my favorite series! 

3. for video games - loving God of War! I keep getting owned by the dudes that come out of the black hole tears in time & space but otherwise truly head over heels for the gameplay and story!

4. for board games - a few people reached out asking for the game I was recently raving about! Just One is the name and I just played a ton of it over the holidays and you KNOW it was a hit. Also enjoying Draftosaurus for quick/light play and Welcome To... for suburban strategy. Also if I've never mentioned it before, Sagrada should be on everyone's radar. 

5. for books - just started Midnight Riot (I think it goes by another title in the UK?) which follows a beat cop who gets paired with Londons top secret wizard cop and they investigate magical crimes. Sort of Harry Potter meets The Dresden Files and I'm digging it so far. Also one of my favorite authors has a short story out that everyone should read. It made me laugh out loud and cry softly cause words be power. Fox 8 by George Saunders! Pick it up to read on a flight or knock it out in one sitting at home. Then check out the rest of his work. 

Speaking of George Saunders! I'll take you into the New Year with two things, the first being from Saunders himself, from the speech 'Congratulations By The Way: Some Thoughts on Kindess' which everyone should read: 

"Find out what makes you kinder, what opens you up and brings out the most loving, generous and unafraid version of you-and go after those things as if nothing else matters. Because, actually, nothing else does."

Second! I try and watch this David Foster Wallace commencement speech 'This Is Water' a few times a year as it's just a wonderful reminder of how to go through life. This is just a select portion but you should search out the full 22 minute version. A good chunk of content to digest heading into a new year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC7xzavzEKY 

Here's my Spotify playlist! It's a mix of songs that inspire me when I'm doing something creative and some that have just been knocking at my brain in the last few weeks: 



Erin's January Playlist and message: 

Hello 2020! We before we know it, it’ll be 2030!

My big recommendation is go see Little Women. I’m very attached to the book and the 90s movie so I was very nervous to see it. But I loved it so much-the costumes are maybe my favorite in any movie ever and my favorite sister Amy was so well portrayed. Take your sister and cry the whole time!

This playlist is a bunch of songs I listened to over the last 10 years. I mostly just picked big events that happened to me in the last 10 years and the songs I was listening to around those events. This is my best playlist ever so give it a listen! Let me know what songs you like please!


Love ya! Happy New Year cutie!


JPC's January Playlist and message: 

Time is a construct



Our Sketchfest show in San Francisco is in just about 2 weeks! We are vibrating with excitement over having Rob Cordrry as our guest and we can't wait to meet a bunch of you! Grab dem tix here: https://sfsketchfest2020.sched.com/event/XprE/hey-riddle-riddle

Both our NYC shows SOLD OUT!! Thank you east coast Ridiots for showing us love! We got the venue to release some standing room only tickets because we heard many folks planned on going but hadn't bought tix yet. So grab those now! Only the people in the room that night get into heaven: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hey-riddle-riddle-live-caveat-7pm-9pm-show-tickets-83246621887

December Livestream was fun as hell! So many funny and thoughtful gifts! We're looking forward to January's so have your questions ready!

We have a date set for recording our new HRR D&D arc!!! 

Our Animorphs Review Crew episode for the $8 tier comes out next week!

As always please let us know if there's anything you'd like to see included in these by either emailing us at hrrpodcast@gmail.com, putting it in the comments here on Patreon or posting in the Discord channel: patreon-newsletter

We have all kinds of amazing content in store for you in 2020 so stay tuned and thank you thank you thank you for all your love and support!

In the comments here let us know what you want from us in 2020! If you write it, legally we have to do it. That's how this works. 

Happy 2020!


Adal, Erin & JPC aka The Clue Crew




Hey, you guys are super nice and cool and I love reading these updates! Happy New Year and thanks as always for the awesome content.


Erin - Ahhhhh Needing/Getting! Is it weird that I prefer the music video recording of it? I have JUST been bingeing their videos again and found out that Get Over It (a song I have listening to since high school) is one of theirs. Like, was no one gonna tell me that? (Also Anna Sun!!! I 100% was singing along with you when you brought it up on the podcast and the boys didn’t know it.) I don’t know why I saw “time is a construct” and immediately assumed the playlist was going to be Walkin’ on the Sun, but here we are.


Just wanted you guys to know that HRR is legitimately my favorite podcast, you guys are funny and awesome, and the community here is fantastic. I hope I get a chance to meet you at the NY show, because I just want to say thank you for all of this, from the bottom of my heart. Happy New Year everyone!


Adal! Midnight Riot sounds like so aggressively My. Shit. Starting immediately...


Happy New Year! I love you guys and HRR, my Wednesdays just aren't complete without listening to you fools. Adal, I'm glad you're liking God of War, I just finished it! If you're having trouble with those rifts I recommend coming back to them later once you've levelled up, cus those shits are hard. Love you guys, thanks for all the recommendations!

Mike Bruckel

Would love to hear another scary escape room playthrough!


I think the Leftovers should be included in one of the Review Crew polls. I just finished it for the first time and I'd love to hear some opinions

Eva Svanberg

My friend just recommended Rivers of London (Midnight Riot's other title) to me yesterday - I'd never heard of it before but it sounds right up my alley.

Riddy Kitties Probate Lawyer

rly hope you guys do another/continuation of the DD series. One of the best series of episodes on here :)


I’m a simple man. I see spaghetti I hit like.


It was really great to get to meet Adal at the HftMT live show, hope you got some rest before your flight and sorry the Portland weather was atrocious as ever xD Seconding those who want to hear more escape room content, and I actually thoroughly enjoyed the Red Lobster episode!