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4/20, baby! Becca Barish returns for High Riddle Riddle! The Clew Crew reads some riddles they wrote after taking edibles. The results are varied! We also hear some fun high stories and hear clips of Erin and Becca writing riddles while they were HIGH AS KITES. Get high before you listen to it - it’ll help!


Kalli Miller-Potter (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-11 02:47:59 I only had to work a half day and I’m celebrating with this
2023-02-01 12:18:27 I only had to work a half day and I’m celebrating with this

I only had to work a half day and I’m celebrating with this


Its kramer!

Reed Hadley

I know commenting here makes me seem like a profoundly petty person, but I'm gonna skip this one because the premise makes me pretty uncomfortable. Keep up the great work, the show's awesome and has helped me through rough parts of my depression.

Mark Napuli

I’ve been waiting for this ep ever since Becca’s first appearance. Happy almost 420 clue crew. Off the subject, I woke up to the Patreon alert and my clock alarm played Tal Bachman’s “ she’s so high”!

Justin Harris

We need more of this content, spent my whole morning laughing, thank you


I choked on my breakfast I was laughing so hard. Primo content 👌🏻👌🏻

John Duggan

Hey Reed! That doesn’t make you petty at all! You do you indeed my friend! Depression sucks, “my wife!” and I both suffer with it. It’s crippling at times. Sending you hugs if you consent of course! 😁💜

John Duggan

I was 32 years old when I first got high. I was staying in a townhouse in Bedford (or Bed-fid if you’re a local) with my fellow construction workers and friends. I drank an entire pitcher of lager and three shots of Dr. Mcgillicuddies then proceeded to try my first joint. Soon we were all wrestling and I got suplexed on the hardwood floor by a guy we all called Jesus. Next I knew I vomited all the alfredo I had for dinner and fell asleep on the toilet. Ah, the memories. 😁🤮😂

Carly Swenson

The Stonehenge riddle sounded bonkers at first, but then when you broke it down and it actually made sense, that was amazing!

Jasmin Darnell

I guessed the right answer to the bars riddle immediately, which says a lot about me I think

Sarah Owen

So Becca is really damn good at writing riddies. It's almost not fair. But those last two were so weird lol


this was so incredible to listen to on 4/20 after downing a bunch of weed infused gummi bears. 69/10 would recommend.

Dana Truempy

I laughed so hard that I started crying at hownie nownie! Oh my LORD

Sean M Carrick

Finally got a chance to listen to this, and I was extremely disappointed that I was unable to find any of the clue crew hiding under my blankets. If you guys aren't just going to secretly sneak into my bedroom and surprise me when you say your going to, what am I even paying for?!

Sean M Carrick

😯... DAMNIT! I even pointed to my spouse and said (in a normal voice), " This is my wife." In the hopes whoever was hiding couldn't resist shouting " MY WIFE!"


I'm gonna skip it too. But I've been binge listening to catch up and I'm having fun!


Becca's story about being Too High and watching the Brandy Cinderella give me ridiculous flashbacks to when I went to see Labyrinth playing at a theater. Which would have been fun, if they played the episode of The Storyteller AFTER the movie as advertised, instead of before. Y'all. I thought I was going to straight-up DIE. I was still clear-headed enough to recognize that NO ONE else in there was laughing and it probably wasn't as funny as it was in my head, but high enough that it was the funniest goddamn thing I'd ever seen. So basically I was sitting in my seat, (mostly) quietly suffocating trying not to laugh. 8/10, do recommend "The Soldier and Death" with a good high going.

Drey Owens

Why add the N? Why not just “Howee, nowee, blank, cowee.” The N is redundant in “brown” and doesn’t exist in the other words. Never mind, yea, yea, high brain. Haha

Adam F

OK. So a girl I talked to from a dating site in 2012 (maybe) kept sending me messages from Snapchat in 2016 after I moved to Texas (she lived in Pennsylvania). I'd snap back pictures of Austin and she'd check my story that had my face clearly on it. Anyway, she started sending racy photos and out of the blue texted me (I'd deleted her number but got the Maybe: Person prompt) and she went on to tell me that she was in love with me still and that she'd leave her fiancee for me and cancel their wedding. I simply responded back "wrong guy." Idk how she was able to not match that I didn't look anything like the guy she was intending on texting.

Adam F

And with Adal's story, I once thought a boulder on the side of the road was a deer about to spring across. Luckily, I wasn't the one driving

Stephanie R Corrigan

Im currently working on my portfolio for my capstone (i graduate next month) from home and i swear this backlog of episodes is keeping me sane 🥺😅

Mark Driscoll

"We should have told people to smoke or eat edibles before listening" Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I would be shocked, shocked I say, if this wasn't usually the case with anyone other than me for most episodes.

Whitney Price

Im late to this party, but Becca's Hownie Nownie had my dying. My brain works exactly that way. LMAO Thank you all. I paused in the beginning to run to the dispensary to listen as recommended. Wise move, me.

Jeffrey E Morton

Hownie nownie ... cownie was pure genious! No, I am not stoned. Why would you say that!?