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Tashen Govender

HRR is my favourite podcast because of you three and Casey. I will listen to anything you guys put out because I adore your chemistry and you all make me laugh so much, it just lifts my heart up. You guys’ senses of humour just clicks with me in exactly the perfect way. Like, 100%. Tl;dr, You guys just make me happier all the time, that’s all. ❤️ I also just want to say I seriously love how sincere you guys got toward the end when Erin started talking about improv. You guys are just awesome.

Yael Wylie

I got turned onto this show from Magic Tavern, and I see the two shows as two sides of the same coin. Magic Tavern is great improvisers at the top of their game. HRR is great improvisers just being silly and stupid. This show is at its most brilliant when you throw out the "improv rules", which you do all the time, and I love that. In less capable hands, this would be nonsense with a worn out premise. But with you three (and Janet and Sleepo) it's a god damn delight.


...adal was the vampire


I love it when we get to hear Erin sing ❤️

Miles M.

I listen b/c I'm an improviser and I love what you guys do here regardless if you all feel its bad!


Erin’s singing gave me chills?!


This might mean nothing and this might feel really parasocial and I am so sorry for it, but genuinely my friend group and I do Erin Keif bits and they have become intrinsic parts of who we are. Also I personally burst out with “ISN’T SHE LOOOOVELY” too many times in my life to count. Just the funniest woman in the world and if you do ever see this please know you have unwittingly maneuvered our humor in a wonderfully absurd way. I sneeze you girl I sneeze you.