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Hey bumbles! Time flies, and it's time for another Q&A. Feel free to submit your regular questions. However, I would also love to get to know you guys and share and comment on your funny/weird/crazy/beautiful stories. So if you can please share your answers with your questions, and here are some of my questions for you! (Answer however many you'd like)  😈

1. What is something someone did that made you insta-horny when you weren't expecting it?

2. What is the best and worst compliment you ever received?

3. Have you ever had a romantic or sexual experience you were unable to get over?

4. What is the funniest or most WTF moment while on a date?

5. What is something you've always craved in a relationship that you've never experienced

6. What are your go to comfy clothes 



3. During college I was drunkenly hooking up with my FWB, going down on him. I didn’t take into account how my drunkenness made me more nauseous than usual and so when I deepthroated him I actually threw up on his dick a lil. I was so gone I couldn’t even feel embarrassed but I stopped and apologized. He just looked down at me and shrugged and in the sexist voice, almost challenging me said “clean it up.” ...So I did. I licked it back up and we kept going. He came so hard at the end. The next day I was a slightly grossed out by the thought of what I did but I still hear his voice saying that to me every now and then and it still gets me wet. No regrets lol.


2. a friend of mine told me that before we became friends, she thought i was super fake because i’m super friendly, i like being friends with people… and such and such… so she thought i was super fake and not actually friends with a bunch of people but once she got to know me she told me i was genuinely a really good person and friends with everyone. i will seriously never forget her for saying that about me


basically a good and a bad compliment but i only focus on to good part of it hehe


4. someone told me they were a horse in spirit…. like i understand if horses are your favorite animal or something like no issue with that but wow this person was obsessed with horses and tried to tell me they could talk to them. thy also seemed like super conservative and they called themselves a model for taking pictures in front of a motorcycle on what seemed like an iphone😧


6. small shorts big shirt 😎


How do you feel about doing a nsfw (getting you pregnant audio) or a sfw (finding out your pregnant) <33

Pickle Juice

Hi! You must be new here, welcome! He said in the last - or the one before that - Q&A on youtube that he doesn't want to do a pregnancy audio in any capacity.


do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? or maybe neither? do you like to cook and what's your go to meal to make? what's on your holiday wish list? 1. when a guy drives really well. like manual and they shift or a certain way they turn the wheel. idk but instant 🦋🦋 2. i get that i have a pretty smile a lot and after years of braces, yes! i hate being told im so nice...nice can equal doormat and that's not what im going for. 3. okay a little story time. even though i had a few sexual experiences in high school, i never finished, even by myself. i thought an orgasm was just feeling really good and getting wet -_- i was with my bf in college making out in the passenger seat of his car. he put me up on the dashboard and made me orgasm twice with his hands and omggggg. i was shook and thought something was wrong. he talked me through it and holy hell 🔥 6. boyshorts and hoodies


hii k, first of all i love ur audios and they comforted me through the hardest time now. now the questions. - i've never had a sexual experience and i've only had a short relationship and i'm almost 20. sometimes i think it's me but honestly after i've been s*xually assaulted qhen i was 12 i've always been afraid of ppl. what do you think? - how are u? - what makes u keep going? cuz i can't find something that makes me keep going anymore. i love u, stay strong and healthy !!

Pickle Juice

I'm sorry that happened to you, and trust me you're not alone. I know people can be really scary sometimes and I think a therapist would be more beneficial for you to ask these kind of questions. 💕


1. Guys who know heirloom or heritage crafting… there’s something sexy about a guy creating something with his hands. 4. When I was in my late teens I was seeing a guy who was roughly ten years older than I was- we were doing a production of Sweeney Todd and we would come off stage, sneak behind the paint can racks in the workshop and fool around… we’ll it was about the time that he was trying to figure out how to work my show corset that I realized I was more experienced (and I’m not very experienced) at 19 than he was at nearly thirty… he also dropped the Love bomb like three make out sessions in… that’s my WTF moment. 5. Protection, loyalty, laughter… my last partner was a single dad who did a lot more gaslighting with me than I thought. We got on well until I left and realized how much I gave up for him and he was not willing to give up an inch for me. 6. A Prince Purple Rain t shirt, boy shorts and joggers…


My most wtf/funny story is that I went on a date with a guy and we ended up going back to his apartment and while we were there he decided to call me babygirl and would say to me “you are my babygirl” and things like that. Well we are about to get spicy in the bed and we are kissing and he asked me “what are you?” and my brain was so focused on getting it on that I replied with full seriousness “I am Hispanic” complete silence filled the room and I wanted to die of embarrassment which then he replied with “that’s nice but it wasn’t what I was asking” I corrected myself and he ended up thinking it was funny but oh god I was so embarrassed but we ended up having a good laugh.


i feel really bad for laughing out loud rn..=))))


i’m so very late to this but wanted to contribute even though i’m usually a silent listener:) 1. idk about the rest of y’all, but my neck is sooooo sensitive to even the slightest touch. so one day, my (situationship) came over and we were watching a movie. i had my head resting in his lap and he started stroking my neck and it sent immediate shivers down my spine. we started making out right after lmfaooo. 2. the best compliment i have ever received is when people tell me how sweet or kind i am. it makes me feel good about myself and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach. the worst compliment i ever received was “you’re so pretty for a bigger girl”. like thanks but also…no? 3. tbh i’m not super experienced in the area of relationships/romance/sex so i don’t have many stories or anything, but i was in love with this one boy and didn’t get over him for months. 4. out of the few relationships i’ve had, i have to say the funniest thing is when my date ripped his suit pants while we were out dancing. i couldn’t stop laughing. 5. i just crave a meaningful relationship. i’ve never been in anything serious, and i really wish that wasn’t the case. my love language is physical touch, so just being able to sleep in a bed with someone and be close to them is something i have always craved. 6. if i’m cold, sweats, fuzzy socks, and the biggest sweatshirt i can find. if i’m warm, shorts and the biggest sweatshirt i can find.

Mandi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 22:52:42 Hi! New here and I see you've recorded the Q&A already but answering anyway? Introduction/tmi from a stranger, ha. 1. Picking up my hand and kissing the inside of my wrist. Lips on wrist = instant horny 2. Best: "You feel like home to me." Worst: "You look so great now that you've lost weight!" (said weight loss was due to serious illness, which this person knew. I also prefer my body with a little extra weight on it so on the whole it felt gross.) 3. Not a specific one per say, but I often hear that I'm intimidating. When I was younger it felt like a compliment, but as I get older and I continue to hear this, intimidating sounds more and more like "unlovable" 4. A guy I was set up with by a mutual friend absolutely insisted on buying me ice cream despite me telling him I had severe reactions to dairy. He refused to believe me, bought the ice cream, and then kept complaining I wasn't eating it. I told him one last time that I'd get sick if I ate it, he told me it was probably in my head and we weren't going anywhere until I ate some of it. I was young and dumb and ate half the ice cream because I just wanted him to shut up and drive me home. I thought I'd have at least enough time before getting hit with my angry bowel to get home but not even 10 minutes down the road and I had to make him pull over so I could be violently ill in a fast food restaurant bathroom. I called a friend to come pick me up. 5. So something I've actually realized from listening to role play style audios (and this is kinda embarrassing to realize about oneself in their late 30s) is that I'm probably what would be considered a soft domme. I want someone who enjoys being taken care of and praised without feeling emasculated by me doing so. 6. On good days, sweatpants and a tunic shirt. On bad days, a long nightgown and fuzzy robe.
2021-12-03 15:55:41 Hi! New here and I see you've recorded the Q&A already but answering anyway? Introduction/tmi from a stranger, ha. 1. Picking up my hand and kissing the inside of my wrist. Lips on wrist = instant horny 2. Best: "You feel like home to me." Worst: "You look so great now that you've lost weight!" (said weight loss was due to serious illness, which this person knew. I also prefer my body with a little extra weight on it so on the whole it felt gross.) 3. Not a specific one per say, but I often hear that I'm intimidating. When I was younger it felt like a compliment, but as I get older and I continue to hear this, intimidating sounds more and more like "unlovable" 4. A guy I was set up with by a mutual friend absolutely insisted on buying me ice cream despite me telling him I had severe reactions to dairy. He refused to believe me, bought the ice cream, and then kept complaining I wasn't eating it. I told him one last time that I'd get sick if I ate it, he told me it was probably in my head and we weren't going anywhere until I ate some of it. I was young and dumb and ate half the ice cream because I just wanted him to shut up and drive me home. I thought I'd have at least enough time before getting hit with my angry bowel to get home but not even 10 minutes down the road and I had to make him pull over so I could be violently ill in a fast food restaurant bathroom. I called a friend to come pick me up. 5. So something I've actually realized from listening to role play style audios (and this is kinda embarrassing to realize about oneself in their late 30s) is that I'm probably what would be considered a soft domme. I want someone who enjoys being taken care of and praised without feeling emasculated by me doing so. 6. On good days, sweatpants and a tunic shirt. On bad days, a long nightgown and fuzzy robe.

Hi! New here and I see you've recorded the Q&A already but answering anyway? Introduction/tmi from a stranger, ha. 1. Picking up my hand and kissing the inside of my wrist. Lips on wrist = instant horny 2. Best: "You feel like home to me." Worst: "You look so great now that you've lost weight!" (said weight loss was due to serious illness, which this person knew. I also prefer my body with a little extra weight on it so on the whole it felt gross.) 3. Not a specific one per say, but I often hear that I'm intimidating. When I was younger it felt like a compliment, but as I get older and I continue to hear this, intimidating sounds more and more like "unlovable" 4. A guy I was set up with by a mutual friend absolutely insisted on buying me ice cream despite me telling him I had severe reactions to dairy. He refused to believe me, bought the ice cream, and then kept complaining I wasn't eating it. I told him one last time that I'd get sick if I ate it, he told me it was probably in my head and we weren't going anywhere until I ate some of it. I was young and dumb and ate half the ice cream because I just wanted him to shut up and drive me home. I thought I'd have at least enough time before getting hit with my angry bowel to get home but not even 10 minutes down the road and I had to make him pull over so I could be violently ill in a fast food restaurant bathroom. I called a friend to come pick me up. 5. So something I've actually realized from listening to role play style audios (and this is kinda embarrassing to realize about oneself in their late 30s) is that I'm probably what would be considered a soft domme. I want someone who enjoys being taken care of and praised without feeling emasculated by me doing so. 6. On good days, sweatpants and a tunic shirt. On bad days, a long nightgown and fuzzy robe.


It’s so interesting from going to supporting you on YouTube (since 2019) to finally coming to support you on Patreon. (it was the best kind of shock to hear these audios 😌🥰) every audio artist’s personality & the way they voice their scenarios are unique to them obviously but i feel like i really look forward to your QnAs as much as an audio scenario. it’s the soul felt in your voice as much as it’s just the vibe you give off K. that you say “because everyone deserves to be loved” is so true. i’m sure that everyone would agree that we hope you feel as valued & seen in your everyday life as you are seeking to do for others here💛 Questions from me: Do you feel that you’re able to easily retain your identity when you’re in a relationship or do you feel like you have to have absolutely all of the same interests as your partner? When was the last time you tried something new? Which movie, song or book made you into a better person? What life lesson did you learn the hard way? What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago? 1. What is something someone did that made you insta-horny when you weren't expecting it? my boyfriend of awhile back once randomly grabbed my hand while I was driving, interlaced our fingers & kissed the back of my hand. It was the way he lingered there & how warm his mouth was that made me feel it elsewhere 🥰 2. What is the best and worst compliment you ever received? best - “she may be a quiet person but behind that reserved nature is someone with a lot to share & give” - paraphrased what was said by my teacher on a college recommendation. worst - “you seem so in control i couldn’t tell you were nervous at all” - said by friends during a class demonstration. similar to what others have answered here too but i really dislike that because i seem capable to others that people often don’t offer to help or ask if i’m ok. they just assume i’ve ALWAYS got it. 3. Have you ever had a romantic or sexual experience you were unable to get over? hell yea. this guy i was seeing was really really good at oral. he’d build up all this anticipation by focusing on nipping/kissing/sucking at the dip where our hips meet our legs. for whatever reason my skin there was so so sensitive. then proceeded to *ahem* enjoy me without taking my panties off (eating me through the fabric) & then finally took them off &…yep ☺️✨ 4. What is the funniest or most WTF moment while on a date? This actually just happened the other day. Guy I was hoping to go out on a date with started asking me at what point I would be comfortable being intimate with a potential long term partner. I basically told him I’d wait until things were serious (probably around 3-4 months of dating until having sex if not sooner) and he went on a rant about how he couldn’t wait for a month or however long it took me to be comfortable. I really didn’t mind a difference of opinion because everyone is different but the way he (a 30 year old guy by the way) kept going on about it was so odd. He later tried to apologize over the next couple days for his behavior & still ask me out & say that it was just a bad moment but it was a done deal for me 😂 5. What is something you've always craved in a relationship that you've never experienced? some of the good moments i miss from my past relationships were starting new things together like a show or music (playing instruments/singing together.) i hope in a future relationship tho to feel that we are best friends & take good care of each other. in past relationships there was a lot of trauma bonding & while it’s good to process situations when needed, you can’t rely on your partner for all of your emotional support at all times. 6. What are your go to comfy clothes? t-shirt dress!!! or oversized hoodie with cute socks