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Ramble ramble ramble! (tattoos, transgender, bedroom roleplay, the world today, Romantic dates,  handjobs, and psychology)

First 3 minutes is updates and admin stuff. <3 


Orca Vibes - Gypsy

Lakey Inspired - In My Clouds

Underground Stars - Loxbeats

Lakey Inspired - Doing Just Fine

Chill - Sakura HZ




Thank you for openly answering our questions! I'm new here but I love your content and appreciate the hard work and honesty 💗 I do have a question/topic though... Putting aside the fact that you make these erotic audios... Would you be upset at your partner if you found out they listen to this type of stuff? I've had partners in the past that I had to hide it from because they were completely against it (anything erotic ex. Porn, sex toys, erotica audios and books) especially dildos since they said "it was as if I was having another mans penis". 😑 It felt like they wanted to be the only source of my pleasure. Which I find unrealistic and I would even encourage them to masturbate and use whatever they needed to take care of that need. I hope this makes sense? I'd love to hear your thoughts 🖤🖤🖤




Ok hear me out,,,,after the first listen/viewing (idk) listen with the speed on 2x it’s so funny!!!!!! omg it’s like he swallowed a ton of helium I can’t stop laughing


I feel a little guilty listening to your content... I'm married, happily, but my husband isn't into compliments, words of affirmation, or things of that nature. Lately we've been less and less intimate, our drives are on opposite ends of the spectrum which has always been a challenge. I told him I listen to your sfw content and imagine he would say such things if he was more eloquently inclined and it sort of fills that void 😂 I know it sounds depressing, but sometimes life is meh and it's amazing to have your content to satisfy/ supplement needs... Which would likely have required infidelity to recieve elsewhere or a decade ago.

Ryssa Fiu

I enjoy this safe space to talk candidly and love learning about new things that are discussed here.

Here to cum ig

not me getting EXTREMELY jealous over the fact that he had sex with other women... he doesnt even know i exist :!


I totally didn't realize how much this QnA was going to resonate with me. First of all, Emo never dies. #Emo4life 🖤🖤 Second of all, that life advice was something I, as a 31 year old, still needed to hear. Covid has turned my world so far upside down that I feel like I have lost my purpose and sense of self. As weird as this sounds, finding your channel has been paramount to reconnecting with myself (in many different ways) and coping with the massive holes in my identity and anxiety the pandemic has left me with. I was (still am) very shy (though I was good at faking extrovert energy pre-pandemic because of what I did for a living). I have always felt a weird concentration of shame when it came to sex for a couple of very unfortunate reasons. Your channel has helped me better get in touch with myself and even heal a little bit which is kind of crazy to admit 😅. I have actually been able to feel a lot more free because of it. This QnA had me reflecting a lot. Thank you for being so open and non judgmental. You are truly appreciated. Also the goodnight kiss *swoon*🖤💜.


Bro, they are women. What they look like is how women look, bc ✨news flash✨They are women!


Exactly!! Thank u! It’s like saying not tryna be mean but u fucking ugly mother fucker and I am not transphobic but they are not “natural”’


It seems like you aced your biology test so I would like to just briefly explain scientifically what it means to be transgender: "Twenty-one variants in 19 genes have been found in estrogen signaling pathways of the brain critical to establishing whether the brain is masculine or feminine,". This genes are involved in estrogen production right before or after birth. Our brain is really smart so in natal male (people whose birth sex is male) the critical estrogen isn’t exposed leading the brain to be not “masculine” vice versa for the women. This leads to body dysmorphia- the gender they feel inside doesn’t match their external sex. Hence, hormones therapy are introduced. Also, transgender or anything that falls under LGBTQ+ can be viewed as gender variation and diversity. Most gene or gene variants previously explored have been associated with receptors for androgens, hormones more traditionally thought to play a role in male traits but, like estrogen in males, also are present in females. I can honestly go on detail abt it but you get the point. I am not even trying to convince you or whatever. K has created this safe platform for all us so that we can relax after long day and reading comments like this really ruins people mood. I hope you understand that I am not trying to be mean or anything :)


Mhmmm and what about people with both genitals? Do they not exist in your head?


Montreal represent! 😝 Standing desks are sooo good, mine saved my life/back during the pandemic.


Okay, two bad date stories... 1. Bad and sad - I studied some Psychology at uni (UK system) but it is not what I qualified in. I went on a date with an actual psychologist who had completed his training (in the German system, way more time intensive). Everything he said the whole evening was formulated in the past perfect tense. Everything that had once sparked any interest or joy in him was basically being described as a long way behind him. He was clearly depressed, I could have diagnosed it so he really should have known. It was sad and I just wanted to find a nice way to tell him "Dude, I don't think you should be dating right now, you need to be concentrating on yourself." , but I didn't know how to do it compassionately enough in my second language. He asked for a second date, but I said no. 2. Bad and cringe - My hair is knee-length. I don't remember what I had done with it for this date but it was probably some kind of half-up thing because it is unmanageable completely down. We were having dinner and I more or less came to the conclusion that the guy had done everything I had on my bucket list for the next few years already (he was a couple of years older) but we really weren't vibing on anything and I couldn't figure out where the problem was. Then he asked me "What do you do when you need to use the restroom? Do you wrap your hair around your neck?". And I was so shocked, like "Dude! Is that a first date, over-dinner question?". Was I just being super prude British and he was being super blunt German? I still don't know, but clearly that question had been taking up all his attention that evening. Neither of us wanted to see the other again anyway.


Guys can you give me the link to the girl's audio channel K talked about?