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Apparently there is some sort of bot accounts scheme going on around patreon. 

I gained like 13 patreons through the last month, been really happy abut it and stuff. Everyone of the new ones was pledging about 5 usd and making it up to 250 per month, but as soon as it hit 1st of October aka day when everyone is getting billed I lost 5 patrons right away (was 40, atm its 35) and some flagged as “fraud” (while some of new ones are still pending, might be a fraud too). 

So depending on how many of the new ones are marked as such (some are still processing the payment) I might have to stop drawing shadows since it appears that I'm below the milestone again. I wonder if i should block these fraud accounts or just "kick" them in other words remove them from billing.

That kinda sucks to be honest.

P.S. Actually thinking of this, I got couple of donations this month because people liked my blog so i sort of went past the milestone, so I will stick to shadows.



Damn, you'd think of all sites that patreon would be more secure from bots because of all the money going around.


Yeh, I still wonder if i should remove fraud patreons or it was actually person's mistake with banking and they intend on giving me dosh but had some sort of problem.


That's why, some of the others have made "Bot Bait Pledges".


This isent a new event. your highest tier will be taken up by bots trying to rip your content to an outside website (theres probably multiple up now) set yourself to charge upfront and you wont see fraud accounts anymore. If someones joining your patreon. there gonna need to pay at the end of the month anyhow otherwise there pretty much stealing and scumbags anyway. when you switch to charge up front. these sites normally have a banner saying "this user has CUF enabled. do you follow this user? use are uploader to share there content with the rest of x site. its really fucking shity and i will not share the site I know that does these things with the open website but i and many other patrons have already reported it to patreons report/help/support desk months ago. at the end of the day. you can only really protect yourself with charge up front


not even my highest tier though, and even though i had patreon for about 4 years I am not considered a trustworthy account by patreon standards so I don't have an upfront feature.