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Thank you very much!! 😴😴😴


Why is swearing such a good tingle?!? Thanks for the content!

Petri Borgulas

Well, this was nice. 😜🥰

ASMR Musings

“B*llend”?!!! How dare you!! I thought that was reserved for you worst enemies. 😂 I’ll never forget what you said to that guy: “Shove your hugs up your arse, you b*llend!!” 😆 I think I quoted it right. But ha thx for tingles and sweet terms of endearment. 😆

ASMR Musings

haha yes, you slipped it in very subtly. And a tear rolled down my face. 😂😂😂 jk

ASMR Musings

You did! Ron, remember? And I was like “What is this word? I need to look it up” and I got some disturbing images that made me laugh. haha

Peter Vreeman

Super relaxing video Jodie 👏👌 And trying to laugh soft when you mention 69 is hilarious 😂😂


This is f***ing awesome!! Thanks Jodie! 😆👍


I know I did, I'm sorry. I think I'm confused by your comments or you are confused by mind I'm admitting to saying I did do. It's not meant to be a "didn't" just because your comments suggest that I'm saying I didn't lol

ASMR Musings

Oh! Must be a language thing. 😆 When I read “I did say that” I hear the question inflection tone my head. 😂 ha but got it


Oh yeah not sure how else I could have confirmed you quoted it correctly 😅