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I have done a cut up version where I have cut out all the rambles as well and will post it as a bonus in case you dont want the ramble



Petri Borgulas

Thank you, Jodie. Nice Saturday surprise. :) I hope all the best for you and it's nice to hear you feel better. Somehow, I had a hunch everything wasn't ok. I have had my share of struggles over the last fifteen years so I know how hard it can be. :)) But like always after dark times spring is coming and sunshine and butterflies! :D


Maybe you accidentally rubbed some of Mosh's ashes (Tik Tok sand) into your eyelid one day? 🤔😅 jk I'm so happy you're feeling better overall though! I'm always here for the Jodie rambles! 😃👍💯 And thank you for sharing your struggles and what you've been going through with us. 🙏☺️ I can defo relate to the depression and not wanting to get out of bed feelings.

Peter Vreeman

Thank you for sharing that Jodie😘, hope you will be all better soon. Love the rambles and the tingles😊


I definitively favour the non/less- talking asmr, the cut monthly was amazing! Still i don't mind at all listening to you and what's going on. Wish you all the best of health and happiness Jodie ❤️. Depression is no joke. Having been through quite a severe period i'm sometimes a little worried of ending back in that state after seeing the change in myself. Asmr has surely been helping since then by calming down the mind and thoughts. Meditation does the same, but it's too boring 😅. So yeah.. I do appreaciate a lot all the work you put into asmr 😊 Oh and the eye thing is nothing to be sorry about, we're just happy to see you either way as long as you prioritize yourself.

ASMR Musings

“I’ve got nothing left” 😆 Ah, glad you’re better! Crazy you have been in a funk for an entire year for being off of a pill. Bc I would think that it’d be the other way around (since medication can throw ppl’s emotions off). Amazing tho you were still able to entertain and be funny w/ us through all this. And I hope our support and positivity helped you w/ some of those darker times. Thanks for sharing this w/ us. Definitely relatable!

Charles Young Jr.

I fell asleep to both videos & didn’t realize there was a difference until just now 😅. I was tired tired 💤


Thank you!!!


Yeah the contraceptive pills has a main side effect of depression but it's done the opposite for me. I think I can still have bad depending if it flairs up but its helped loads. Yeah now I'm better I honestly do think how did I do all that I did. 😅 I honestly hope I never go through that again.


Thank you so much! I'm sorry you've been through it yourself and same I hope I never have it again


Oh really? I thought I hid it quite well but I guess you can't hide everything 🤭


I'm glad we have a symbiotic relationship and making these videos also helps you feel better. There were times I'd come home from work and think "why bother trying to enjoy anything", just go straight to bed and sleep for 12+ hours. Where everything I try to do just makes a fool of me, so what's the point of trying? It's way too easy to focus on the handful of bad and forget about all the good things that happen constantly. I know it probably feels like you're speaking to a personal diary in these videos, but we hear you and it means a lot that you share so openly. Damn, why'd this have to get so real?! <3 U


Hahaha I'm so sorry, I try to keep my work less real as escape for people but I just thought I'd give an update and it is actually surprising how many people have felt that way.