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Candy Cane Mouth Sounds, Whispers, Soft speaking and fabric sounds 




Thank you very much!! 😀😴

Iain McLarnon

I just recently learned I'm one of the bad boys. So yaaay!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 07:45:45 Your breasts are spectacular
2023-12-14 01:40:28

Virtual Dave

Screw Santa’s naughty list I will do what I want 😤 take that list and shove it 🧑‍🎄


Ohhh wow our very own Christmas "Beetlejuice"?? 😳😆 (The saying your name 3 times to summon you part!) 😅🧑‍🎄


I cut my tongue open on hard candy any time I don't crunch it like the Tootsie Pop Owl. I'm watching this trying to relax, but can't stop thinking: Jodie's gonna cut her tongue open on that candy cane.

Petri Borgulas

Thanks, Miss Claus! I might need another visit before I'm completely off the naughty list. 😁 I have a short memory 😅

ASMR Musings

One has to wonder, is that a candy cane from last year’s set of candy canes? 😆😆 haha. If so, amazing shelf life! Also you did not just stick that candy cane in our ears and say how tangy our ear wax is. 😂😂😂 jodie. haha!


🤣🤣🤣 I did and na they are new ones better ones the others were all broke when they arrived

ASMR Musings

Btw we have a completely different meaning of the word “mooch/mooching”. 😆 I had to look it up what it meant in the UK. For us, it means “to borrow from people or ask them to give you things without paying for them or intending to return them: You're old enough to get a job and stop mooching off your family.”


Does this mean that im on the naughty list this year.

Peter Vreeman

Super fun video Jodie, love the outfit😍 perfect for Santa’s daughter👌 When you visit more people will try to get on the naughty list😂


Definitely one of the breast asmr artists out there...🤨...anyone that says different is a absolute tit...😅


I demand to see your evidence! I know there's no way anyone can tell those were re-wraped...😳...I mean...well shit 🤣 great video!

ASMR Musings

Ohhhhh! Your meaning is different than the UK meaning that I saw. 😆 It was like “wander around aimlessly” and I was like “hmm… I guess that’s a bad thing” (since you were accusing him of mooching)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 07:45:45 Absolutely brilliant response
2023-12-15 17:45:41

Phan Văn Trường

The kisses at the end made me very very happy !!!

Graeme Blackwell

OK. Catching up on last year's videos and have now lost the power of speech...