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Thank you very much!! 😁😴

ASMR Musings

Nooo, you didn’t. 😂😂😂 Lol’d at the pineapple story. We’ll have to install a beep sound on you when you back up. Sooo dangerous! 😆 Please don’t hurt the frog one. Anyways really tingly sounds here!! Love the pineapple cupping sound & noms! Thx!

Charles Young Jr.

"Swirly Lick and Gentle Noms," should be the title of your debut comedy album

Peter Vreeman

Love it, so gentle and sweet😌👏


Absolutely LOVE these triggers!! Thank you Jodie! 👂😌👂💤 Also RIP to Mr Pineapple. He went out doing what he loved,... being squished. 🍑+🍍=🪦💐🙏🥹


I have yet to figure out what spell you cast on me, every time i watch these you enter the video and your eyes goes "FREEZE, this is a nommery!" like a reverse cop. Then i'm placed in this nom-limbo where you keep our souls with those soft ear licks and delightful gaze. After watching a few times on repeat seems to slowly break the spell and let me function again as a relatively normal being again. I don't always want to escape, but the world needs me 😩. Sorry jodie, i just had to let out a defective mental burp 🤭❤️


No this is actually really interesting 😅. It's not the first time someone has said my videos are mesmerising. 🤭


Squishy pineapple and some Hurricane Marie’s!? This is ASMR heaven! 🥰 Super relaxing video.