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Sooo I was given this idea by a Patreon. I thought I would try it, it is really cheesy and awkward. Not sure if I would do anything like this again but was fun to give it a go.. 

It might be quiet because of having the mics out of view it meant they were further away from me. So headphones on. Plenty of Fabric sounds, soft spoken and whispers.




Absolutely gorgeous. 🔥❤️

Pablo F.

The wonderful Jodie being her beautiful fun playful self, what more could anyone want😍❤❤❤❤

Petri Borgulas

Smashing! Fabulous, darling! 😎

ASMR Musings

I wish I could put a screenshot here but lol’d at 3:04 w/ that look of dread. 😂 But love this; and the confidence build-up towards the end. Great acting! And how have you not fallen in that chair…. yet? 😆And you should do another one for YT and drop your Passes link!


Thank you!


That was super cute Jodie! And I often find the more subtle sounds to be extra tingly! Love the whispers, fabric and carpet sounds! Really enjoyed everything about it and thank you for trying it! And I hope you can do some more like it in the future! 🙏👂😌👂💤💤

Kevin Lowe

did you attempt to follow the dress-change through with no flashing? 🤣 I've cockily (excuse the pun) tried to do the 'change from wet to dry clothes under a towel' thing at the beach so many times and always end up in a situation. I never learn 😅😅😅


Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to want another ☺️. I wasn't sure if anyone would like it

ASMR Musings

Haha I know! When I was watching this I was thinking how much you were cringing editing it. 😂😂 A funny “awkward girl ” version of this would’ve been fun to see tho!

ASMR Musings

Btw when I heard the carpet sounds I thought “Bee is gonna love that” 😆😆

ASMR Musings

haha yeah! Bc of that one clip I posted on Twitter where you said you loved the carpet sounds. 😆 https://x.com/asmrmusings/status/1656672122327150605


Brilliant concept! Loved it!


Hahaha naa not this time I do on my try on hauls over on Passes though. I've got some useful tricks Our Kev

Tim (TexasASMR)

Thanks, I loved the video. Also funny how you made it an awkward roleplay, because you knew if you filmed it with full confidence and like it were a proper modeling job, you'd also have a proper modeling agency see this and carry you off to London 🤣

Peter Vreeman

Super fun and cute video Jodie, love it👏👌 Your outfits were perfect for modeling 👌😍

franticrevan .

you are so beautiful Jodie thank you for this lovely video!!

Calvin Yazzie

So when are these photos going to be available on patreon lol, I joke.


Everything you do is perfect Jodie we love you!


Great video enjoyed the fabric sounds. Beautiful close ups. I'm sure there was some funny bloopers.

Virtual Dave

I only came here to read the meter.🙃