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The Genie video won't be out this week 😅 because I had to film for the podcast tonight we normally film on a Monday but couldn't this Monday so done it tonight instead.
I want to move the bed over to where the lights are to film the Genie video so it's more magical.
I won't be able to faff about with that tonight.
I want to do a fun photoset as well so I want to make sure I'm fully organised. So if you don't mind I was gonna do some close up kisses




No worries Jodie! Sounds good to me! 😃👍


🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️It’s all good Jodie Marie!❤️✨✨✨

Calvin Yazzie

It's funny that EVERYONE has podcasts for literally everything nowadays


Yeah people just enjoy listening to other people chat and laugh I guess. Nic asked asked me and I had a few people say that I should do a podcast so I thought might as well gibe it a go

Calvin Yazzie

This is what they ought to be. Friends getting together for a laugh instead of pushing an agenda though if you're doing one I ought to give it a listen lol


Yeah we dicuss lots of topics and me an Nic don't have the same opinion on so much so it's never just one sided