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Should be here tomorrow.
I think my family have decided they are coming here tomorrow night and I'm not sure what time they will leave. So I don't think I will be able to go live.
So if its not too late when they leave I will try and film the Genie video. I thought I might as well get a new wig and make a new look up



ASMR Musings

Can’t wait!! And that’s great your fam will be with you for your birthday! No worries on the live. And I hope you and family are feeling better!

Charles Young Jr.

I have to think of 3 wishes, before this video comes out. Challenge accepted!


Oh wow that's such a pretty blue too! Can't wait to see this character! 🧞‍♀️✨ And Yay for your family all coming over for your birthday! 🙌🥳 That's so sweet! Spending time with your loved ones is the best gift of all! 🤗🫶


Thank you, I thought so. Yeah it's really nice of them to want to come over

ASMR Musings

Btw, have you seen Bladerunner 2049? I just realized that wig reminds me of the AI gf in it. Here’s a gif: https://media.tenor.com/o28rzKUhbXUAAAAC/blade-runner2049-blade-runner.gif