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I tried to get rid of ads and that fucked with the passwords for some reason. Dailymotion is a bit weird for that everytime you edit the video even if you don't touch the password section the password becomes invalid. It wouldnt even let me change the password this evening on a couple of the videos so I will try again tomorrow. I was trying to sort it for hours and still only one worked so I've give up for tonight.
Sorry if it doesn't let me sort it tomorrow I will just keep the passwords off.



I’m so sorry you are dealing with this Jodie. 😢


Thanks! 👍🏾

ASMR Musings

Sorry, Jodie!! Thanks for trying to fix the ads for us; they were insanely obnoxious playing the same unskippable ad four times in one vid. And fyi the Succubus and Doctor vids seems to be still private/pw-protected but don’t worry about it. Just look at it tomorrow.


Sorry it isn’t working great jodie, must be so annoying dealing with this ❤️wasn’t the great solution I thought 😔


Do you really need passwords? I'd think they'd only be needed if you're changing permissions frequently as a way to disable a link.

ASMR Musings

One of the reasons it’s needed bc it helps prevent the auto-play feature at the end of the vid, which I found thru testing. Also, we don’t want ppl using the “report” feature in those vids and one way to prevent that is by pw-protection. And I believe downloading is disabled too w/ pw.


Makes sense. Makes it even more of a dumb system then unfortunately.

ASMR Musings

It’s amazing both YT and DM allow free video hosting to begin with. The real problem is Patreon not giving creators free native video hosting. Hopefully when pricing comes out, it’s not expensive.


Aw dang sorry about that Jodie. Thank you for trying to fix it though. 🙏😔