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I'm using daily motion. Please use the test video I put up below. There may be ads from time to time. So far no one has had ads but just in case.
If this allows me to stay on Patreon I think this is the best option.
It free to become a partner if you watch embedded you shouldn't get ads



Yay!! Seems to be working great so far what genius recommended this solution 🫣🤭


“Bows” 😂 definitely easier than the other solution ayy it xx


Yeah Muse just mentioned there was an ad at the end when she watched so just hoping they don't roll ads in the middle because there isn't an option for me to turn them off


That shouldn’t happen if you watch embedded 🤔 and you have the option to embed as a partner x


Great news Jodie!!

ASMR Musings

Did you post the video here on Patreon as embedded? It’s playing the site link in the in-app browser but not playing it as it would as if it was a YT or Vimeo vid, if that makes sense.


I posted it just as I do with vimeo. Copied the link and put it on Patreon

ASMR Musings

Since you also have an iPhone, were you able to get the video to play in landscape when viewing the video in-app? Bc the only way I could get it to play in landscape was if I opened in browser. But yeah the video isn’t technically embedded here.


See what you mean, it’s not rotating that’s really weird. Yeah it’s not embedded for some reason could be on patreon’s end wether they support dailymotion or not.

ASMR Musings

There apparently is a dailymotion code generator on the embed.ly site which is what Patreon supports. However, it’s $9 a month to access it. I don’t even know if it works tbh. But if you want, I can sign up and give you the link and see if that helps w/ ads, and the auto-play.


No thank you, thanks for the information I will look into it also see how others get on with it throughout the day


It seemed to work pretty good, i did get ads at the end though. Do you need to sign up for a daily motion account to not get them?


That's what Kevin advised it's free to sign up anyway so you could try. I can't see any option my end to not monetize


Ok I tried signing up too but still got ads at the end hehe. 😅 No worries though, I'll use whatever we have if it can help you out! 😉👍

Peter Vreeman

Happy you found a solution that make you stay on the platform you love 🤗

Charles Young Jr.

Yes, boss 🫡 Seriously tho, I’m so happy for you! The universe - 0, Jodie - 1


Thanks Charles. It really hasn't felt like that the last couple of days nor today. You know what I did I got back from the gym put food in the oven. I was in a rush as well I've got loads to do this evening. I turned the fan on not the heat so when the timer went everything was still stone cold 😅😅

Charles Young Jr.

She’s getting buff 💪. Jodie, I didn’t know they offered vegan food a la mode 😲lol. But seriously, here’s to better days 🤞🏿

ASMR Musings

Supposedly you can turn off auto-play if you have an account. https://faq.dailymotion.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012140593-Autoplaying-Videos-in-Feeds but only on mobile app. I tried it but I can’t get the link to open in the app. Lmk if it works for you Bee since you have android


Ohh ok, yeah I haven't tried the app yet, I was just going to the desktop site on my phone. I was gonna try the app until I read there was ads on it in the store hehe. I can still download and try it though.


Dang it still plays the ad afterwards even after changing that setting. 😣

ASMR Musings

Crazy. There’s also a setting in desktop Safari where you can disable auto-play for that site and that didn’t work either for me. 😆 Thx! I’m sure there’s a way. I’ll keep on looking.