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So, yeah fanhouse sounds like a good idea not sure what will happen to the back log, will you move all the £7 tier videos over there? I was gonna recommend (that site) just cos I know you can upload a ton of videos over there and loads of bandwidth obviously lol but I get not wanting to do that cos it would definitely increase people being creeps. I’m sorry about all this Jodie, you know I’ll follow you wherever it ends up 🥺❤️


Yeah I think I said in the video, but might have missed it out. I will keep all the old videos here but then im probably going to have to see them to $3 tier for anyone to access them. If I get rid of that tier eventually


You might of I got kinda lost tbh 😅😆So the $3 will get you access to everything?


Whatever happens I’ll support you ❤️


Only older videos, the more recent ones I will probably move over to Fanhouse tbh or i just freeze Patreon going forward I don't know. And leave no tiers just older videos


Is it possible to move all videos to fanhouse than you could cut patreon and maybe just upload to to JM tingles 🤔 just thinking of possibilities to help and make it less complicated xx


Thanks for your thoughts I guess is ill see what those on the lower tier think of this as well. More 4 years of videos over to FH though is going to take SOOO long and so much of my own storage I'm gonna need a few hard drives for that and lots of time

ASMR Musings

Definitely support you wherever you go! And even if you post less, you can still hit 2TB bandwidth so Vimeo is a bit sketch overall. FYI I have been looking at other video hosting solutions but they’re all very expensive and w/ limits. The only problem w/ Fanhouse is that video playback on mobile can be finicky; like video partially loads or doesn’t load. But desktop web works great. There are other paywall options on Twitter (Super Followers) and Instagram but they’re fairly new and all take 30% cut for mobile app store fees. Fanhouse is better in that regard and w/ security too. I’m all for Fanhouse but I hope they improve their video playback issues. Also, FYI, some ppl might have problems w/ payment since Fanhouse only allows stripe.


Yeah, tbh Im very stuck for options here. It really is FH or Onlyfans and fansly honestly


It's an unfortunate situation, but whatever you decide I'll support you.

Peter Vreeman

Aww, i feel so sad for you Jodie😘 I started at the lowest tear but upgraded fast to not miss any of the fun. I will switch to any platform because your videos are so much fun and so nice👌😌 Hope you find a solution you can have peace with yourself. Big hug for you Jodie🤗


Well that is true 😅 if you have faith in fanhouse tho would be worth doing xx, it’s such a mess tho I can definitely see why your struggling with it 😅❤️


Patreon is my main source of income as well tbh so as well as losing my favourite platform my income is going to drop dramatically through the move because not everyone will want to move.

ASMR Musings

Oof, yeah, I would pick Fanhouse out of those three bc of security, and also what you said, the expectation to do sexual content bc those are both adult platforms.

Tim (TexasASMR)

I know you'll make the right decision and will be pleased with the result, and we'll support you no matter what you decide.


Yeah I get that the people that aren’t die hard supporters probably won’t move which really sucks. 😔 I’m sorry this is happening to you jode ❤️


After looking dailymotion does have password protected videos like Vimeo so you could just start using them and can upload 96 videos a day 😯 xx


Do they accept creators like me though they look more business like. Where videos are posted for training or something rather than creativity.

Charles Young Jr.

You’ve done more than enough Jodie. You genuinely didn’t want this to happen. You expended all of your resources. You did the research & the current conclusion seems like the best option tbh. Although, it’s sad but I chose to look at this as a new beginning in your journey. In time I hope you’ll be able to as well. Take care 🙏🏿


They upload all kinds on there I’ve used to before to watch like old shows 😂 and they aren’t strict with content types either, I would say make an account and see what it’s like 🥰 you might have to pay for the more advanced tier but that’s nothing you aren’t doing already for Vimeo is it? x

Juan Suarez

I'll follow you to whatever platform you choose, but you could possibly investigate Cloudflare Stream as an alternative to Vimeo. They seem to charge based on minutes streamed/stored (so 800 subs x 90 minutes a month is 72.000 mins =$72.) Maybe ask other creators if they're familiar with it?


Thanks Charles, I'm staying here for now anyway 😊 I still have some time


It's a tough situation but honestly fanhouse provides a really poor user experience with how they host and serve content, even with watermarks turned off, and especially on mobile devices. Moving over there is going to turn away a lot of people.


Yep I know but it might be the only option I have 😔. I've had a good experience with fh personally but that's just me. I will try dailymotion. I will stress this isn't my fault. I'm reaching my limit of bandwidth on Vimeo

ASMR Musings

Btw they did fix a big issue on mobile playback recently where videos didn’t seem to play until the video completely downloaded. So that’s fixed but sometimes even then I still have playback issues.

David Matteson

What about just uploading them as unlisted on Youtube? If the concern is that people can save the link or share the link, if people want to be that way they can easily screen capture the vimeo/fanhouse videos. It's better to provide a good experience for your paying supporters (and not make them change platforms) than to worry too much about what some jerks might do, IMHO. ❤️


David the reason Patreon is great is because YT is stricter now I risk losing my chanel completely by putting unlisted links up it happened to an ASMR Artist just recently. Obviously I know it is better to give the best experience. I wouldn't even be thinking of moving. It's not my fault