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This video will be over on the Sleep Sweetly Tier.
I can release the tickling myself with a feather or this one 😅 which stemmed from some silly videos on Fanhouse.

I should explain as well that there is an Awkward cop video coming today as early access and will go on YouTube Tomorrow so its whether you want to Two cop videos in 1 week they are both very different though




Ohhh that's a tough one! 🤔 The feather one does sound super relaxing! 😌🪶 But I think everybody wants to get arrested right now haha! 😆👮🏼‍♀️


This one (The cop one) 👀🙈💜


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't forget there is an Awkward cop video going yo for early access today so wasn't sure if people would prefer them to be broken up a bit or close together because they are completely different characters


Cop one!

ASMR Musings

yess! Definitely the cop one! And you can also promote that there’s a diffferent version of it on Patreon when the YT one is released.


Ohhh I see! I would think maybe breaking them up would be better? 🤔 But then again having a YouTube and Patreon version released close together is a nice cross promotion for Patreon that could be teased with the YouTube version! If that makes sense haha! 😂 So yeah let's all go to jail right now! 😆🚓🚨


Oh yeah I just saw your comment Muse haha!😂 Great minds and all that! 😉👍

Charles Young Jr.

For the sake of being a contrarian, I’ll say the cop one.

ASMR Musings

😆😆😆 Ha, can’t deny a good opportunity to promote Jodie’s Patreon.

Tim (TexasASMR)

Love the feather idea, but it seems you're really, really enjoying being Officer Jode, so let's go with the Patreon Police 😊

Peter Vreeman

The cop look fun but the feather sounds so tingly 😱😱 omg i can’t choose 😂


Has to be the cop one 🥰 I need to know the context of the pics 🫣🤣

Ryan baldwin

The cop video definitely. We need a serious Officer Jodie Marie vid.