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I forgot to schedule last night's video. I'm not sure what to do now. Whether to just post it now, tonight or just wait until Tuesday. Urghh



Aww that's ok Jodie! 🤗 And no you're not haha! 😅 I'm not sure myself but I guess whenever you think it would be best for the channel?! In other words waiting wouldn't be so bad or maybe a Friday drop could do really well? Whatever you choose, we'll be there for you!! ☺️👍


Drop it Friday will stop me going out being silly 😜😂


Something look forward to later on once work is done




Posting it now is probably the best option 😅 don’t make the people wait 😂🤗

ASMR Musings

Haha, no. You’re not a dickhead. 😆 I think was talking to you around the time it was supposed to be up and it didn’t even occur to me either until much later.


Yeah I honestly thought I'd scheduled it but it didn't occur to me what time it was

Tim (TexasASMR)

Not a dickhead. Mistakes happen 😊


Come on lady get it together! Jk😁 no worries!

Charles Young Jr.

“I’m a dickhead I am” I see Jodie has read my autobiography. So, how did you like it? 🙂

Lord Andrew Furlotte

No! That just isn't true. You would have to go way more than that to be a dickhead. Really, I mean like way more. Trust me, I've been there, done that. Got the t shirt to prove it.