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There is some kisses in this so thats probably why 


ASMR - Lets Get Tingle Drunk wit Bennie



Thank you very much!! 😴😴


You look stunning that dress really really suits you 🥰 probably my favourite 🤗

Charles Young Jr.

YouTube has never been kissed before, & it SHOWS! We celebrate love around here 🙌🏿❤️


We sure do Charles. I don't know how others get away with it. They flag mine straight away 🤣

Charles Young Jr.

Jodie’s the person the medal detector always goes off for, when there’s people who are before her whom it doesn’t go off for lol


🤦🏻‍♂️ Ughh sorry Jodie.

Tim (TexasASMR)

YouTube is so stupid. The first ever kisses video I watched was nearly ten years ago from someone called TheOneLilium. She was trying to replicate cheek kiss sounds, and she was explaining she finds it comforting because it reminds her of cheek kisses from friends and family. I like to bring that up because it's an excellent example of how kisses are not inherently sexual. Yet PrudeTube wants to categorize them as such and demonetize everything

ASMR Musings

Damm you, YouTube!! Maybe they’re now able to recognize the sound for it. I will have to tho offset this yet again w/ a $2 super-thanks. 😂😂😂 Please, don’t spend it all in one place.


Love her! She was great! Is she still creating I know she took a break for ages came back and then kinda left again I think


Hahaha thank you that's more than I would get revenue anyway so treating me!

ASMR Musings

Btw, per this convo, lol’d at what you said in this video. Hilarious!! 😆😆 And love the sounds btw.

Peter Vreeman

Sorry to hear, this video is so sweet and relaxing. It needs the kisses. Thanks for sharing it here Jodie👌👏

Mr Trick

PuritanTube sure does like to clutch those pearls.