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Had to reread that several times to parse. 😁

ASMR Musings

New comers, if you see Jodie say anything about me with kisses in the comments, they’re complete lies. Thanks.

Almond Glazed Sunrise

I still don't see the password? And while we're at it, where's the video? oh. This is a general announcement. 😳 I'll see myself out. 🏃‍♂️


Unless she forgets and then you gotta be like “yo Jodie where’s the password” 😆🤣 jk


Don’t listen to musings they’re obsessed with Jodie’s kisses 👀😆

Peter Vreeman

Always so helpful Jodie👏👏

Tim (TexasASMR)

..but the newcomers are missing out on the really good passwords we used to have, like "twat waffle" and such 🤣


Hahaha I'm sure there will be more in the future just depends how creative I'm feeling 😂