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I havent decided what I am doing tonight yet though 😳 I looked for Vegan candy canes while I was out today to film with tonight but couldn't find any.


Kyle (Fechin)

I didn’t know candy canes weren’t vegan anyway….geez, learn something new everyday.


What’s the requirements for a weekly treat? Maybe you could do something else x

ASMR Musings

Love your updates/rambles! Ooo, please tell us the story you said you would tell us (from the Yogurt Noms vid) 😆 And I had no idea most candy canes weren’t vegan. 😆😆 Damnit!!


That's cool but I won't have much time for planning or the room to do that remember I only have the bed sadly 😅😭 I got good idea!


Oh yeah maybe you can bank that idea then 😂 all I can think of is Christmas 🤣