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So much has gone wrong today. I'm on the verge of a breakdown 😂.
But I'm starting the work because one of the things that has gone wrong is the plasterer couldn't make the first day. I really hope he makes it tomorrow




Oh my Jodie. I’m hope you can calm down a bit sorry things have been so rough. 🥺


Sorry you’re not having bad day Jodie, hope things get better for you soon. Sending you positive vibes your way😊


Ohh I know that felling just keep going till you finished, trust me, at the end when everything is done you'll fell really well 😌


Oh no! I'm sorry Jodie. 😧 Don't worry though you got this! 💪 You did a fantastic job on the last room and I'm sure this will turn out great! 😃👍 Show that wall who's Boss!


That sucks, but you got this! 👍 Just keep going and you'll be done before you know it.

Peter Vreeman

Wow What happend😱 Hope it will be better and more smooth tomorrow


Ugh sorry to hear that, I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

Virtual Dave

Why didn’t he turn up? Was he plastered 🥴? 😂 hope it gets sorted .


I empathize. I just moved and the movers cancelled the first day (so I had no furniture nor kitchen stuff), then didn't even respond to further calls on the second day - so all I managed to get was a chair to sleep in and a handful of dishes to eat off of. Then the internet broke a day after being installed (been up and down all day); the food places that deliver are all terrible (at least those I've found so far) and the cold air caused fruit flies to seek the warmth of my house and I've been spending the last three days trying to get rid of them. It never seems to end ...


Awww Jack I'm sorry. I totally feel your frustration the floor fitter that was coming Saturday cancelled on us yesterday 😅.