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So I have some videos ready for when I am not able to film over this weekend and next weekend.
Bonus video is done! Will be out next Wednesday instead of early access.
As I have a video that has been sponsored I have made video with kisses in for youtube because it wont matter so much if it gets demonotized because the sponsor will help me out.



Virtual Dave

Where is the pink chair then?

ASMR Musings

I guess you can have a social life as long as you do all of your chores first. πŸ˜† Nice pic tho! Is that that vegan lipstick from your throne list? And thx for putting out a kissing video for YouTube; your other viewers will really like that. πŸ˜‚

ASMR Musings

Ain't nobody got time for no pink chair. <br><img src="https://dannydainton.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/angtft.jpg"><br>


Still in the box Dave. I ay had time to faff yet. My wardrobe still isn't fully done yet I'm still waiting for them to come and do that. So when that done I will have more room to get it fixed up. Also this is not where the pink chair is going Dave. This ay my film room


I don't know if it will be ASMR but I can film me being an idiot trying to fix it up yeah 🀣

ASMR Musings

Dave, how long do you think it takes to put an office chair together?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Virtual Dave

For me? That chair? 35 mins to 45 mins, but I have owned tons of office chairs / gaming chairs πŸ˜‚ she could do a nice time lapse with a voice over.

Kevin Lowe

no chair, no vids, busy at the weekends...... what is this?! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


What the hell I've been putting videos up! I've been doing good well I thought I had πŸ˜…

ASMR Musings

Fine! Don’t answer my very important question! πŸ˜†πŸ˜† haha jk