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I will be releasing a mini set as well and today I'm going to be finalising the devil look for the set that I have been promising for weeks.
Sorry I've been mucking about, partying and doing activities alot this month.
Every weekend has been full with something. Then I got ill and my wisdom tooth is playing up a bit but I'm going to my very best to get lots done today regardless of the pain 🤣



ASMR Musings

That is the best “I’ve fallen” pose yet!! 👏👏😄 I love it. You know exactly how to tease people into buying your sets. Also, lol on you apologizing for having a social life. Thx for the update and I hope you feel better soon. <br><img src="https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/030/151/sis-ads-4.jpg"><br>

Tim (TexasASMR)

That mini set was 🔥🔥🔥