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I am working on it now re- rendering I don't know if I will get it uploaded before ai got to bed I'm really sorry. But it is rendering as I write this.


Tim (TexasASMR)

Stop apologizing already, shit happens 😝

ASMR Musings

GAWD, JODIE. Ruining our "true" early access! 😆 Just kidding. It's really fine. Don't worry about it. The beep wasn't that bad; it just takes you out of it a little bit.

Virtual Dave

I thought that beep was the “doorbell” and my Brother was outside again.😉🙃🤣👍


Son of a Beep! Lol no worries 👍😁

Jason Berry

You apologize so much that I'm starting to think you're actually a Canadian spy....hmmm....🤔 What are we planning?

Tim (TexasASMR)

See Jodie, the correct thing would've been to just leave it in, and then if someone had complained about it, you would've had a go at them like, "What? I took you to me best friend's house, and this is how you repay me, by having a fooking whinge about some fucking beep? Well, let me give you a reason to fooking beep about, ya daft twat." Black Country content creator awkwardly tells unappreciative audience to piss off ASMR 🤣🤣

ASMR Musings

Jodie's too nice to say that to us... (when she's sober). 😂 I'm pretty sure she gave herself a verbal lashing for it though: "For f**k's sake, Jode!"


There are memes about how much British people apologise. I just feel bad for leaving a Beep in. Might have startled someone 😖