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Nath did record my part, I haven't seen it yet, They also recorded it there so when it gets sent to me I will share it with you. Sorry there was no appreciation video this month. Due to noise and the show it just hasn't been possible. 

I really do appreciate you all though I think you know that by now thank you so much!!! 


Practice run acting

I did this before I did the full play! It was a lot of fun and I didn't mess up my lines!! WOOOP! So proud of myself for giving it ago and not letting nerves take over.


ASMR Musings

Yeaaahhh! 👏😄 Naaailed it. And ha, that ending. How do you think your final performance went? And do not feel bad about the appreciation video; it is amazing you’re still making those when you’re well over 500 patrons. Just shows how appreciative you are so thank you!


You crushed your performance didn’t you? Aaahh don’t tell cuz I know you did…didn’t you? 🤪Hehe. That dance you did btw, made my shitty day so much better…dork😆😉


🤣🤣🤣 I really enjoyed but watching it back. It could have been better


It was a lot of fun everyone was great. Watching it back I could have done better but I had a boring character compared to everyone else.