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I am going to edit the weekly treat tonight. If I don't get it to you tonight. I will post it before I go to Scotland in the morning. I think you will enjoy this one 🤭.
Lots of really Delicate Kisses 💋 your chosen punishment words and Ear cleaning.


ASMR Musings

Haha, such an interesting combo! Kisses + punishment words + ear cleaning. Love the idea of all of these. Can't wait. 😂

ASMR Musings

😂 That was one thing that was missing from 50 Shades: ear cleanings. Tsk. C'mon, Christian. And yes, I watched the entire trilogy FOR SCIENCE since I'm a Twilight fan. Shut up. 😆 Btw I didn't like 50 Shades but did love the Weekend soundtrack. ha


Hahaha! I quite liked Twilight though. Not a huge fan or anything but I did enjoy them. I like 50 Shades of Grey 😳🤭 Don't judge me. I remember reading the books at uni and Christian was IN MY HEAD. I remember just daydreaming about him as if he was actually in my life or something 🤣🤣 it's the only book I have read all the way through

ASMR Musings

Haha! You really do get into media! Now I have questions. I'm sorry. Did you like the entire book series or just the first book? And did you watch the movie series? And if so, were the books better or the movie? 😄 I had a few friends told me they read the books b/c of all of the hype and were disappointed by it.


I know I wasn't lying when I told you my Brain loves to get too involved. The books were better than the movies. I read all the books and all the Movies. The only one I didnt read is the one she made telling Christian's story it just didn't have the romance and the feelings there for me. I enjoyed the movies as well though. They aren't as detailed as the books and obviously the sex scenes aren't as graphic as the books but I quite liked that. I don't wanna watch a film full of hardcore sex to be honest. I thought it was done really well

ASMR Musings

"I don't wanna watch a film full of hardcore sex to be honest" 😂😂 PRUDE. Hahaha jk. Same tho. Thanks for your review! Good to know! I think I couldn't get into the whole S&M aspect. I'd probably prefer Christian to have a different type of toxicity if this is supposed to be a fan-fic of Twilight. Ha, nothing beats Twilight. Thx, JOOOODIE! Love talking movies.


Hahaha! Well we got porn for that. Movies are for visual stories. Its that toxic, not knowing where she stands I loved. Pulling at those heart strings like that 😅. One minute 6 inches deep the next he's leaving with no explanation 🤣🤣🤣 I'm hilarious! Obviously not a great real life situation but the fantasy was fun

ASMR Musings

HAHAHA. "One minute 6 inches deep..." STOP. 😂 Loling here. Yeah, I remember that part in Twilight (when he left w/o giving any word) which was so good; it didn't hit the same for me in 50 Shades. 😂 Fifty Shades felt way more fantasy than Twilight which is ironic.


Yeah I totally get. I haven't read the books of twilight maybe I should. Are they good?