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Something super slow and relaxing, something along the lines of Whispered close up personal attention?

Something Sultry, Noir type of Character?

Something psycho Girlfriend or crazy type of Character ?

Awkward Character?

What we feeling. If you have something else in mind that I haven't said feel free to tell me ☺



Relaxing sultry noir sounds cool. Have fun with whatever you want to make, you create great things when you do 💖


Personal attention sultry or awkward would be great


Always a huge fan of your awkward videos, but something sultry and noir would be interesting, like a Dick Tracey/Breathless Mahoney kinda thing. And the personal attention videos definitely help get me to sleep and also help with insecurity/anxiety/depression issues.


Super slow and chilled gets my vote.


Something sultry is always welcomed lol. I personally like your ear to ear whisper vids the best

ASMR Musings

Ha, I feel like you should combine “sultry”,“awkward”, “psycho gf” into one mega role-play. 😂😂 I do like your super chilled rambles where you talk to us. But I say go with what you want to do.


Hahaha! My work is always a combination of things I should give this a go

Maximus Volkov -(Voice Acting & ASMR)-

Sultry + Awkward + Noir = interesting concept for a video? You're certainly creative so I know you can make it work. 😊😊😊👍👍👍


I like the noir idea. 😊


Sultry noir sounds good 👍

David Heyduk

Go wherever your creativity takes you! You can't go wrong. ☺


I have been enjoying the ongoing Awkward stuff you have been doing, I also like the idea of Sultry. Your Noir work was amazing too, so hard to chose but I think as a treat I think perhaps Sultry.

Kevin Lowe

Oooh such good options to choose from. Sultry seems popular so maybe go with that but I also like the idea of combining the 3 somehow


My two favorite characters of yours have been the awkward train lady with measuring tape and the one who whispers "may i, if you please, do i have your permission", etc. very different people but both great.