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The Friday the 13th Video from 2019 is now available to everyone on the Sleep Sweetly Tier and Above. :) Enjoy 



Many thanks Jodie!!

ASMR Musings

Hmm... I'm guessing you mean you opened a post to another tier. What is the exact date of this post?


Just search Friday 14th special should come up it was in September 2019 I think. And yeah that's what I mean


ASMR Musings

Ah, that's the first thing I searched "Friday the 13th" but you had it under "Friday 13th" (without the "the"). 😆 Here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/friday-13th-29944272


Thanks Jodie. I've wanted to see this for awhile.

ASMR Musings

Oh, you should remove that link b/c this post here is for "All Patrons" (not the Sleep Sweetly tier). 😄 Or Jodie needs to make this post for the "Sleep Sweetly Tier" only.


My bad Jodie, I'm so sorry. Never deleted something so fast in my life. Again I'm sorry.

ASMR Musings

Ahhh... Hmm... Reposting my missing comment! I have no idea where it went: <br><br>Just watched it. That was VERY creepy! I LOVE IT. The first part reminded me of Taken (with Liam Neesen), which is probably a movie you haven't seen. 😆 And those boots mean serious bizness. Although, when you took them off, I would've stepped on your foot, screamed "sucker!" and ran away. 😂 Hehe, thanks for sharing. <br><img src="https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/taken_bed.png">


Haha I've seen taken!!!!! 🤣🤣 Patreon is weird sometimes.🤣🤣🤣 but would you have run fast enough!

ASMR Musings

You can watch Taken but you can’t finish a f***ing Disney movie?? Get the f*** outta here. 😂😂 Finish Hunchback! And I lol’d at your question (if I can run fast enough) bc my instant reaction was “No. Probably not.” 😆😆

ASMR Musings

😂😂 Yeah. One is safe for children and the other one isn’t. Your nan and I are like “Wtf Jode”.