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Sorry if you saw the crazy community post.
I have warned him a few times now and he just continued to do exactly what I told him not to.
I have patience. It is normally three strikes and out ya go. Sometimes more if I am feeling in a good mood tbh.
So he has now been blocked and if you read it. It is all a load of bullshit that he makes up in his head.
Ok love you all 🤗🤗
Sorry for the drama I just wanted to explain as it wasn't directly at me and involved someone else.


ASMR Musings

Now I want to know what the Community post said. 😆 Was the Community post for us or to you (b/c you blocked him)?

ASMR Musings

Ah, okay! Weeeird!! He did seem to like to air his grievances publicly a bit too much.


Wait someone made a crazy community post on here?


So sorry you're forced to deal with idiots like that...glad you blocked him🤪🙄


What happened?


Also, I'd completely forgotten that we had a community tab on Patreon 🤣🤣🤣

ASMR Musings

Right? It’s hard to get to and we can’t even turn on notifications for it so it’s pointless.

Tim (TexasASMR)

I don't even know what a community post is or where to find it 😢😆

ASMR Musings

On mobile, tap on Jodie’s face in a post (not comments though) 😂 and you’ll see the tab for it

Tim (TexasASMR)

Found it, but the newest thing it shows are Jeremy's boobs from June 😂 I guess the post in question has been deleted then 😀

ASMR Musings

She told him to not post something publicly about another creator and he did it anyways.


Holy cow just found the guy’s Twitter and I think he might have a few screws loose…