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ASMR - Cheek Nuzzling, Stroking & Gentle Scratching, Names, Patreon Appreciation


ASMR Musings

Aww! You’re so sweet to add in the names you missed the first time around. With having over 600 patrons’ names to cover, we all understand if you miss names! Although that was quite a bit of names that you did miss. 😆😆 Thanks, Jodie! You’re the bestest!!


You really didn't have to go to this extra trouble, Jodie 🤯You're already far too good to us as is🤣🥰Going digital sounds like a good plan...hope your device is charged before reading through all of these names 🤣🤣🤣plus, think of how many trees you'll save😏🤣🌲


That's the outtake I want to see🤣🤣🤣"Thank you, Jo....oh for fuck's sake! My phone went dead! Bloody hell!"🤣🤣🤣

Tim (TexasASMR)

We're all saying "Jodie, you didn't have to!" but I'm guessing that, yes, she really did "have to" add all the rest of the names, otherwise her sweet nature would've kept her feeling too bad about having missed some names ☺️


Yeah once I realised last night I couldn't stop thinking about it 🤣 I woke up at 3 to set an alarm to get up before the neighbours lol


Burning the midnight oil🤣🤣🤣hopefully, you managed to catch a few ZZZs😴😴😴