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I am working on a Vampire collaboration with Sleeping Artist ASMR check her out pretty please. https://youtube.com/c/SleepingArtistASMR
Her voice is lush and her content is AMAZING too.

These shots killed my back but if you like them it's worth it 🤗
That first one though. Sometimes the camera makes me 😈🔥



Tim (TexasASMR)

You really got into the role in the 6th picture 😳🔥 I'm sorry to hear about your back, though 😢


Lovely fotos 🥰

Stephen Eales

My blood is wanting you to suck it out of me!!! 😂😂 XX


This outfit works really well on you, looking forward to it!

ASMR Musings

<i>"My bloody back!!!"</i><br><img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJxIjoxMDAsIndlYnAiOjB9/patreon-media/p/post/55043878/9e0101a9d02f4bc3916923a83523f34e/1.jpg?token-time=1630540800&amp;token-hash=GP8tiDTVXf1iFmezrQnaHZmCMs6o0iv2QGhnhehegvE%3D"><br> 


Excellent photo set!💖😘

David B

I def like em!