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Thumbnail ain't the best it is all I got. 

This concept was not on my side.

 I think I summoned too much power from the Sun and The Moon. The first video did weird things and this one I had to render three times. It really was just like something was telling me to give up on it. So I hope it was worth it. 


ASMR - Healing & Positive affs Sun and Moon Light Triggers


Kevin Lowe

I like the thumbnail 🤗


I feel like this thumbnail does a great job of conveying the idea of the video 😁I'm always up for good light triggers, so once the pen light starts waving around, I start getting drowsy 😴Add in some positive affirmations, and now I'm going to need an extra cup of coffee this morning, and I already usually have two🤣☕☕☕You're bad for my caffeine addiction, Jodie 🤪