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Hi Lovelies,
So as I have so many newbies. I was wondering if you would leave me comments about what videos you would like to see more of. As I have no idea what videos bought you here. Just so I can keep bringing you great content 🤗.
If you don't wish to say here then please message me ☺.
Thank you so much for this month 😭 I feel like I could explode with happiness and I am truly overwhelmed.



Your close up and awkward videos brought me here and ever since I’ve joined, I’m trying to watch more of your material.


Agressive noms with black lipstick asmr


After finding your 1 HOUR Sensitive Ear Noms with Squishy Pineapple video I insta subbed and shortly after singed up for your Patreon, you do the best ear noms ever. did I mention I watch it on loop because it's sooo relaxing. keep up the great work :)


Oh lovely. I have another 1 hour ear noms video in plan ☺ not woth the pinapple this time but I shall do more with that as well


I've been watching your videos on and off for a year or two, finally in a place I can afford to throw some pennies your way! Partly I was curious to see what is available on your patreon (so far it's great!) and partly because I find myself coming back to your videos quite often as your style is great for my AMSR! Also, as someone mentioned already, those awkward roleplays are just adorable ☺️ As for content: close up, breathy whispers, ear scratching, scalp massage, stuff like that I will never get tired of, and you do it really well :)


Thank you so much. That is very good of you 🤗. Lovely I shall do more ear scratvhing for aure I dont do that often enough


Whispering anything or scratching, that is the top 2 best asmr


+1 on the awkward videos - as I posted on Youtube it really intensifies the personal attention tingles for me. But honestly, there's really not any videos I've seen of yours that are a complete (or even a partial!) miss. In general, I think the ASMRtists that do what they themselves love doing always make the best videos, so I figure I'll trust the professional who knows what she's doing ;)


Oh, and if you're looking for ideas on the awkward series, for some reason I was thinking of a fortune teller where she'd read palms, examine the viewer's aura, and maybe something like tarot cards - with lots of the little asides she makes?


Yeah the awkward measurement video hooked me, and the mouth sounds and whispering that you do in your videos pulled me in.