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Yet another video that has been demonotized. I have requested a review because this a joke now. I hope you like the video


ASMR - Close up Pencil behing your ears | Repetitive Delicate Whisper



thankyou for the monday treat


Umm...what?! Excuse my language, but how the fuck was this demonetized?🤯That was brilliant, Jodie. Every time you said "tracing behind your ears", the tr sound gave me insane tingles😴There must just be some looney YT reviewer sitting there saying, "her eyelashes are more than the allowable 4mm long. Demonetized!"🤣Seriously, I can't see or hear anything that would warrant demonetization. Someone in the YT offices must be having a bad day, or they're just a dumbass🙄🤣


Haha! It is getting silly now tbh. Someone dislikes me there. They just see my name now 🤣🤣


I can see some judgemental Karen sitting there saying, "Oh, it's her again"😏🤣

David Heyduk

The YT overlords strike again!!! Just ridiculous... Why is even a tiny bit of transparency not possible???

Almond Glazed Sunrise

Those punks. First they remove the comments on Topic videos and now this. 😡 Grrrrr. But on a more pleasant note, this video is AWESOME with a capital AWESOME. Tingles in bulk. Thank you, Jodie!

Buzzn Frogg

I was looking into that issue myself and found a guy Andrew Platt on Youtube. He was testing a lot of words against the youtube algorithm to see which ones in your title and description are most likely to trigger automatic demonitaziation. Here is his most up-to-date list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ozg1Cnm6SdtM4M5rATkANAi07xAzYWaKL7HKxyvoHzk/ As you can see, "pencil" is on that list and marked as a possible trigger for some reason. 🤷‍♂️ So that's maybe why this video got hit. Other than that, the algorithm might have it falsely flagged for adult/suggestive content. I believe, quite a few ASMRtist are struggling with that. The algorithm might also think you are a prime target, because it had to flag you often recently, but I don't know if it really works like that.


It flags me on the most ridulous things though. 'Pencil'???? Is no word used innocently anymore on youtube 🤣🤣


Tracing and whispers combined? You do spoil us. Thank you.