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ASMR - EAR NOMS, Layered mouth sounds ft FoxyASMR



So good, Jodie 🥰😴Your noms works so well together...perfectly paced, and it's just like waves of tingles on my brain 😴The occasional ear change was great, too. It's as if you were both walking around, nomming on both ears🥰And was your wig a coincidence, or did you intentionally choose it for this video(it added some awesome sounds, too)? It was such a lovely aesthetic 😍I may need to listen to this one again later. And fantastic job with the video stitching and sound layering, too😁


Sorry I have been so busy. Thank you glad you liked it. The wig was intentional. Foxy put this this one together tbh. She did a great job


No worries 🥰And thanks for sharing the link to her channel...I thought I was subbed, but it looks like she may have rebooted her channel 🤔


I can only hear your audio when I played the video. Am I the only one with this problem? I checked Foxy's upload, and I have the same issue.