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I can't get to it



Think YouTube is down completely

Jonathan Calhoun

I've not been able to access YouTube at all from any device or connection this morning.


Pheeeew I was like what has happened 😭


YouTube, Gmail, and Discord are having issues.

David Heyduk

I think Google has had some sort of major failure. YouTube is down, and I can't send emails from my personal or work Gmail account.


Yeah, I think youtube must be down...I can't get to it via the app, or an internet browser 🤔

Eric Davis

I am also having issues with Google sheets

Eric Davis

It certainly isn't convenient, considering I spent all last week fucking around at work instead of, you know, actually working. Came in early to get caught up and can't do what I need to do lol. This is fine.

Eric Davis

It isn't such a big deal, but thanks. I pretty much set my own job requirements and deadlines lol


It's not your channel, Google is having a service outage, that never happens, I wonder whats going on.


I see, still it's disappointing when you make the effort and it goes tits up happens to me all the time 🤣


I know it is quite scary. I have never witnessed this im my duration of youtube

David Heyduk

News outlets are picking up on it now


Hopefully they'll get it sorted out quickly🤔At least you know it's not just you...that's something, right? Still frustrating, I'm sure🤪


Yeah, it is frustrating though was trying to upload your early access video haha


I'm able to get on to it and watch your videos

Kevin Lowe

YouTube did have a short blip today - I couldn't get on anything for a while earlier


YouTube have loads of bugs atm, couldnt use it for 2 days long, maybe they got attacked, or there is a bug in their system ?


Google account system died for a short time, it was telling me my account didnt exist, but yes your channel is fine.